"後藤 隼人,Misako Takayasu","企業間取引ネットワークとそのシミュレーション : ネットワークの成長過程,輸送問題,および頑強性評価 (特集 ネットワークとモデリング)",,"オペレーションズ・リサーチ","公益社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会","Vol. 60","No. 8","pp. 456-462",2015,Aug. "岡田 啓,長谷川 幹雄,板谷 聡子,寺前 順之介,堀尾 喜彦,青野 真士,Misako Takayasu","AP-1 複雑コミュニケーションサイエンス(CCS)とは? : 4月よりCCS研究会一種化(AP-1.パネルセッション,ソサイエティ企画)",,"電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集","一般社団法人電子情報通信学会","Vol. 2015",,"pp. "SS-4"",2015,Feb. "Misako Takayasu,Sato, K.,Sano, Y.,Yamada, K.,Miura, W.,Hideki Takayasu","Rumor diffusion and convergence during the 3.11 Earthquake: A twitter case study",,"PLoS ONE",,"Vol. 10","No. 4",,2015, "Zachariou, N.,Expert, P.,Misako Takayasu,Christensen, K.","Generalised Sandpile Dynamics on Artificial and Real-World Directed Networks",,"PLoS ONE",,"Vol. 10","No. 11",,2015, "Yura, Y.,Hideki Takayasu,Sornette, D.,Misako Takayasu","Financial Knudsen number: Breakdown of continuous price dynamics and asymmetric buy-and-sell structures confirmed by high-precision order-book information",,"Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics",,"Vol. 92","No. 4",,2015, "Tamura, K.,Hideki Takayasu,Misako Takayasu","Extraction of conjugate main-stream structures from a complex network flow",,"Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics",,"Vol. 91","No. 4",,2015, "Kawamoto, H.,Hideki Takayasu,Jensen, H.J.,Misako Takayasu","Precise calculation of a bond percolation transition and survival rates of nodes in a complex network",,"PLoS ONE",,"Vol. 10","No. 4",,2015, "Sano, Y.,Hideki Takayasu,Misako Takayasu","Fluctuation scaling in online social media",,"2015 International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations, ICNF 2015",,,,,2015,