"Daiki Nakatsu,堀内 雄太,Fumi Kano,野口 誉之,菅原 太一,高本 偉碩,窪田 直人,門脇 孝,Masayuki Murata","L-システインによるPKM2タンパク質不活性化を介した可逆的なインスリン分泌抑制:制御機構の生化学的解析","第67回 日本細胞生物学会",,,,,,2015,July "Mariko Matsuto,Fumi Kano,Masayuki Murata","Reconstitution of the targeting of Rab6A to the Golgi apparatus in semi-intact HeLa cells: A role of BICD2 in stabilizing Rab6A on Golgi membranes and a concerted role of Rab6A/BICD2 interactions in Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport",,"Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) ? Molecular Cell Research",,"Vol. 1853","No. 10 Part A","Page 2592-2609",2015,May "Yuki Taguchi,Koichi Imaoka,Michiyo Kataoka,Akihiko Uda,Daiki Nakatsu,Sakuya Horii-Okazaki,Rina Kunishige,Fumi Kano,Masayuki Murata","Yip1A, a Novel Host Factor for the Activation of the IRE1 Pathway of the Unfolded Protein Response during Brucella Infection",,"PLOS Pathogens",,"Vol. 11","No. 3","pp. e1004747",2015,Mar. "Tamaki Arai,Fumi Kano,Masayuki Murata","Translocation of forkhead box O1 to the nuclear periphery induces histone modifications that regulate transcriptional repression of PCK1 in HepG2 cells. Genes Cells",,"Genes Cells",,"Vol. 20","No. 4","Page 340-357",2015,Mar. "Daiki Nakatsu,Yuta Horiuchi,Fumi Kano,Yoshiyuki Noguchi,Taichi Sugawara,Iseki Takamoto,Naoto Kubota,Takashi Kadowaki,Masayuki Murata","L-cysteine reversibly inhibits glucose-induced biphasic insulin secretion and ATP production by inactivating PKM2.",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, PNAS, PRONAS",," 112"," 10"," E1067-E1076",2015,Feb.