"Keiko Chitose,Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Naoyuki Takaki","Thermal-hydraulic feasibility study of a convex shaped fast reactor core",,"Energy Procedia","Elsevier","vol. 131",,"pp. 86-93",2017,Dec. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,P.S. Uppala,E. Bates,G. Su,I. Di Piazza,H. Ohira,M. Stempniewicz,B. Truong,A. Moisseytsev,L.L. Briggs,T. Sofu,T. Sumner,T. Fei,D. Zhang,D. Sui,W. Hu,L. Maas,B. Vezzoni,M. Marchetti,R. Zanino,D. Caron,W.F. van Rooijen,K. Morita,C. Choi,N. Rtischev,Y. Zhang,K. Mikityuk,etc.","Benchmark Analysis of EBR-II Shutdown Heat Removal Tests",,"IAEA-TECDOC-1819","IAEA",,,,2017,Aug. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Analyses of decay heat removal tests with PRACS and DRACS of a sodium loop using the NETFLOW++ code",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 322",,"pp. 345-359",2017,July "E. Bates,D. Zhang.,B. Truong,D. Sui,W. Hu,G.H. Su,T. Sumner,L. Maas,B. Vezzoni,M. Marchetti,R. Zanino,D. Caron,W.F. van Rooijen,H. Mochizuki,Koji Morita,C. Choi,M. Stempniewicz,N. Rtischev,Y. Zhang,K. Mikityuk","Conclusions of a Benchmark Study on the EBR-II SHRT-45R Experiment","FR17","Proceedings of FR17","IAEA",,,"pp. 1-11",2017,June "Partha Sarathy U.,E. Bates,G. Su,I. Di Piazza,H. Ohira,H. Mochizuki,M. Stempniewicz,B. Truong,A. Moisseytsev,T. Sumner","Thermal Hydraulic Investigation of EBR-II Instrumented Subassemblies during SHRT-17 and SHRT-45R Tests","FR17","Proceedings of FR17","IAEA",,,"pp. 1-10",2017,June "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Evaluation of spent fuel pool temperature and water level during SBO",,"Annals of Nuclear Energy","Elsevier","Vol. 109",,"pp. 548-556",2017,June "Tadas Kaliatka,Algirdas Kaliatka,Eugenijus Uspuras,M. Vai?norus,Hiroyasu Mochizuki,W.F.G. van Rooijen","Best estimate approach for the evaluation of critical heat flux phenomenon in the boiling water reactors,",,"Kerntechnik",,"Vol. 82","No. 2","pp. 148-160",2017,Apr. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Takahiro Yano","A passive decay-heat removal system for an ABWR based on air cooling",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 311",,"pp. 35-42",2017,Jan.