"Zarshenas A.,Suzuki K.","Deep Learning for Medical Image Processing: Bones and Soft Tissue Separation in Chest Radiographs",,"Lung Cancer and Imaging","IOP Publishing",,,,2019,Dec. "Yuchen Wang,Ze Jin,Tokuda Y.,Naoi Y.,Tomiyama N.,Kenji Suzuki","Neural Network Convolution Deep Learning for Semantic Segmentation of Breast Tumor in MRI","The 4th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE2019)","Proceeding of 4th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE2019)",,,,"pp. 286-287",2019,Nov. "Taiguang Yuan,Ze Jin,Tokuda Y.,Naoi Y.,Tomiyama N.,Kenji Suzuki","Discovery of MR Imaging Biomarkers for Prediction of Pathological Complete Responses to Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer","The 4th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE2019)","Proceeding of 4th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE2019)",,,,,2019,Nov. "Zhao Y.,Zarshenas A.,Higaki T.,Awai K.,Suzuki K.","Radiation dose reduction in chest CT at a micro-dose (mD) level by noise simulation and noise-specific anatomic neural network convolution (NNC) deep-learning (DL) with K-means clustering","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2019,Nov. "Suzuki K.,Reyes M.,Syeda-Mahmood T.,Konukoglu E.,Glocker B.,Wiest R.,Gur Y.,Greenspan H.,Madabhushi A.","Interpretability of Machine Intelligence in Medical Image Computing and Multimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support",,"Lecture Notes in Computer Science","Springer","Vol. 11797",,,2019,Oct. "Greenspan H.,Tanno R.,Erdt M.,Arbel T.,Baumgartner C.,Dalca A.,Sudre C.H.,Wells III W.M.,Drechsler K.,Linguraru M.G.,Oyarzun Laura C.,Shekhar R.,Wesarg S.,Gonz?lez Ballester M.?.,Suzuki K.,Liao H.,Wang Q.,van Ginneken B.,Zhou L.","Uncertainty for Safe Utilization of Machine Learning in Medical Imaging and Clinical Image-Based Procedures",,"Lecture Notes in Computer Science","Springer","Vol. 11840",,,2019,Oct. "Liao H.,Balocco S.,Wang G.,Zhang F.,Liu Y.,Ding Z.,Duong L.,Phellan R.,Zahnd G.,Breininger K.,Albarqouni S.,Moriconi S.,Lee S.-L.,Demirci S.,Suzuki K.,Greenspan H.,Wang Q.,van Ginneken B.,Zhou L.","Machine Learning and Medical Engineering for Cardiovascular Health and Intravascular Imaging and Computer Assisted Stenting",,"Lecture Notes in Computer Science","Springer","Vol. 11794",,,2019,Oct. "Zarshenas, A.,Liu, J.,Forti, P.,Kenji Suzuki","Mixture of Deep-Learning Experts for Separation of Bones from Soft Tissue in Chest Radiographs",,"Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2018",,,,"pp. 1321-1326",2019,Oct. "Taiguang Yuan,Ze Jin,Tokuda, Y.,Naoi, Y.,Tomiyama, N.,Kenji Suzuki","Development of deep-learning segmentation for breast cancer in mr images based on neural network convolution","2019 8th International Conference on Computing and Pattern Recognition","Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on Computing and Pattern Recognition",,,,"pp. 187-191",2019,Oct. "Zarshenas, A.,Kenji Suzuki","Deep Neural Network Convolution for Natural Image Denoising",,"Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2018",,,,"pp. 2534-2539",2019,Oct. "Hiroki Imai,Tomoya Nakamura,Kenji Suzuki,Masahiro Yamaguchi,Tokiya Abe,Akinori Hashiguchi,Michiie Sakamoto","H&E染色組織標本に対するブロックベース深層学習による肝細胞癌識別手法の検討","第18回デジタルパソロジー研究会","第18回デジタルパソロジー研究会総会 抄録集",,,,"p. 37",2019,Aug. "Martinez-Garcia, M.,Zhang, Y.,Kenji Suzuki,Zhang, Y.","Measuring system entropy with a deep recurrent neural network model",,"IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)",,,,"pp. 1253-1256",2019,July "Zarshenas A.,Liu J.,Forti P.,Kenji Suzuki","Separation of bones from soft tissue in chest radiographs: Anatomy-specific orientation-frequency-specific deep neural network convolution",,"Medical Physics",,"Vol. 46","No. 5","pp. 2232-2242",2019,May "Kenji Suzuki","人工知能(AI)最新動向 ? 画像処理",,"月刊インナービジョン2019年2月号",,"Vol. 34","No. 2","pp. 35-37",2019,Feb. "Kenji Suzuki","大腸CTにおけるAI支援画像診断",,"月刊インナービジョン2019年1月号",,"Vol. 34","No. 1","pp. 47-50",2019,Jan. "Shi, Z.,Hao, H.,Zhao, M.,Feng, Y.,He, L.,Wang, Y.,Kenji Suzuki","A deep CNN based transfer learning method for false positive reduction",,"Multimedia Tools and Applications",,"Vol. 78","No. 1","pp. 1017-1033",2019,Jan.