"Yusuke Majima,Hiro Wakimura,Feng Xiao","BVD原理に基づくTVD勾配リミタに関する 新しい計算手法",,,,,,,2020,Dec. "Yusuke Majima,Hiro Wakimura,Feng Xiao","BVD原理に基づくTVD勾配リミタに関する 新しい計算手法",,,,,,,2020,Dec. "Yusuke Majima,Hiro Wakimura,Feng Xiao","BVD原理に基づくTVD勾配リミタに関する 新しい計算手法",,,,,,,2020,Dec. "Hiro Wakimura,Xi Deng,阿部 圭晃,Feng Xiao","BVD原理に基づくβ可変THINC法による衝撃波捕獲スキーム","第34回数値流体力学シンポジウム(オンライン)",,,,,,2020,Dec. "Shinichi Takagi,Hiro Wakimura,Fu Lin,Feng Xiao","TENO法とTHINC法による新しい高解像度 衝撃波捕獲解法","第34回数値流体力学シンポジウム(オンライン)",,,,,,2020,Dec. "A. Salazar,Y. Che,F. Xiao","Multivariable machine learning model to postprocess surface wind forecasts","3rd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2020)-Online",,,,,,2020,Dec. "A. Salazar,F. Xiao","Design of Hybrid Reconstruction Scheme for Compressible Flow Using Data-Driven Methods",,"Journal of Mechanics",,"Vol. 36",,"pp. 675-689",2020,Oct. "Y. Che,C.G. Chen,F. Xiao,X.L. Li,S.X. Shen","A two-stage fourth-order multimoment global shallow-water model on the cubed sphere",,"Monthly Weather Review",,"Vol. 148",,"pp. 4267-4279",2020,Oct. "Y. Abe,Z. Sun,F. Xiao","Boundary variation diminishing algorithm for high-order local polynomial-based schemes",,"International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids",,,,,2020,July "S. Tann,X. Deng,R. Loub?re,F. Xiao","Solution property preserving reconstruction BVD+MOOD scheme for compressible euler equations with source terms and detonations",,"Computers & Fluids",,"Vol. 206",,"p. 104594",2020,June "Z.H. Jiang,X. Deng,F. Xiao,C. Yan,J. Yu","A Higher Order Interpolation Scheme of Finite Volume Method for Compressible Flow on Curvilinear Grids",,"Communications in Computational Physics",,"Vol. 28",,"pp. 1609-1638",2020,Apr. "X Deng,Y Shimizu,B Xie,F Xiao","Constructing higher order discontinuity-capturing schemes with upwind-biased interpolations and boundary variation diminishing algorithm",,"Computers & Fluids",,"Vol. 200",,"p. 104433",2020,Mar. "St?phane Zaleski,Feng Xiao","Special issue: Numerical methods and modeling of multiphase flows",,"Journal of Computational Physics",," 402",," 108902",2020,Feb. "Xingliang Li,Xueshun Shen,Chungang Chen,Jie Tang,Feng Xiao","A note on non‐negativity correction for a multimoment finite‐volume transport model with WENO limiter",,"J. R. Meteorol. Soc.",,"Vol. 146",,"pp. 546-556",2020,Jan. "F.Xiao","A new approach to highly accurate spatial reconstructions","Trends of High Order Numerical Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics and Their Applications (HOM2020)",,,,,,2020,Jan. "B. Xie,P. Jin,H. Nakayama,S. Liao,F. Xiao","A conservative solver for surface-tension-driven multiphase flows on collocated unstructured grids",,"Journal of Computational Physics",,"Vol. 401",,"p. 109025",2020,Jan. "X. Deng,Z.H. Jiang,F. Xiao,C. Yan","Implicit large eddy simulation of compressible turbulence flow with PnTm− BVD scheme",,"Applied Mathematical Modelling",,"Vol. 77",,"pp. 17-31",2020,Jan. "Feng Xiao,TAKAO NAGASAKI","数値流体解析の基礎",,,"コロナ社",,,,2020,Jan.