"Makio Tokunaga","Solving clued-up questions timely during class and feedback on student assignments","CITL Symposium 2020 gGood practices at Online classes 1h",,,,,,2020,Oct. "Makio Tokunaga","Molecular mechanism of microcluster formation and MTOC repositioning during T cell activation using multicolor sngle-molecule imaging","HiHA Web Seminar",,,,,,2020,Oct. "Masanori Nakano,Yuma Ito,Takahiro Maeda,Chikashi Obuse,MakioTokunaga","Dynamics of Heterochromatin protein 1 inside and outside chromocenter domain in living cells using single-molecule imaging","The 58th Annual Meeting of the BSJ",,,,,,2020,Sept. "Supanut Sirisukhodom,Yuma Ito,MakioTokunaga","Multicolor single-molecule imaging analysis of the nucleolar proteins","The 58th Annual Meeting of the BSJ",,,,,,2020,Sept. "Xiang Zhou,Yuma Ito,MakioTokunaga","Light field simulation of single-molecule imaging for aberration correction using adaptive optics","The 58th Annual Meeting of the BSJ",,,,,,2020,Sept. "Yuma Ito,MakioTokunaga","Nano-scale localization analysis of histone variants in living cells using single-molecule super-resolution imaging","The 58th Annual Meeting of the BSJ",,,,,,2020,Sept. "Yuma Ito,MakioTokunaga","Quantification of dynamics and kinetics using single-molecule and super-resolution imaging in living cells","The 58th Annual Meeting of the BSJ",,,,,,2020,Sept.