"Asuka Hayashi,Yu Sekiguchi,Chiaki Sato","Effect of temperature and loading rate on the mode I fracture energy of structural acrylic adhesives",,"Journal of Advanced Joining Processes","Elsevier","Vol. 5",," 100079",2021,Nov. "Yu Sekiguchi,Chiaki Sato","アクリル系構造用接着剤の疲労き裂進展","第70回高分子討論会","高分子学会予稿集","公益社団法人 高分子学会","Vol. 70","No. 2"," 1Q04",2021,Sept. "Akari Takahashi,Yu Sekiguchi,CHIAKI SATO","Volume Change and Viscoelastic Properties of UV-curable Adhesives for Precise Positioning during Curing Process and Their Formulation",,"The Journal of Adhesion","Taylor & Francis","Vol. 98","No. 13","pp. 2029-2044",2021,July "Yu Sekiguchi,Chiaki Sato","構造用アクリル系接着剤のDCB試験における表面凹凸の影響","日本接着学会第59回年次大会","日本接着学会第59回年次大会 講演要旨集","一般社団法人 日本接着学会",,,"pp. 123-124",2021,June "Yu Sekiguchi,Chiaki Sato","Effect of Bond-Line Thickness on Fatigue Crack Growth of Structural Acrylic Adhesive Joints",,"Materials","MDPI","Vol. 14","Issue 7"," 1723",2021,Mar. "Asuka Hayashi,Yu Sekiguchi,Chiaki Sato","AFM observation of sea-island structure formed by second generation acrylic adhesive",,"The Journal of Adhesion","Taylor & Francis","Vol. 97","No. 2","pp. 155-171",2021,Jan.