"Chi Young HAN,Hiroshi SAGARA,Yoshihisa MATSUMOTO,Satoshi CHIBA,Noriyosu HAYASHIZAKI,Masako IKEGAMI,Akira OMOTO,Tatsuya KATABUCHI,Koichiro TAKAO,Hiroshige KIKURA,Kenji TAKESHITA","Nuclear Regulation Human Resources Development Program in Tokyo Tech gThe Advanced Nuclear 3S Education and Training (ANSET)" (4) Implementation Status FY2020","The 42th Annual Meeting of INMM Japan Chapter","Proceedings of the 42th Annual Meeting of INMM Japan Chapter","Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) Japan Chapter",,,,2021,Nov. "Saurabh Sharma,Masako Ikegami","A Study of IAEAfs Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis based Approach: A Perspective of India-Japan Civil Nuclear Cooperation","The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Japan Chapter","The 42nd INMMJ Annual Meeting Proceedings","The Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Japan Chapter (INMMJ)",,,"p. #4207",2021,Nov. "Natsuki Sasano,Masako Ikegami","Analysis of North Korea's low-yield nuclear weapons test and issues of nuclear weapons","The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Japan Chapter","The 42th INMMJ Annual Conference Proceedings","Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Japan Chapter (INMMJ)",,,"p. p4261",2021,Nov. "Masako Ikegami","Missile Proliferation and the Security Dilemma in East Asia","International Working Group Moving Beyond Missile Defense and Space Weap","Missile Defense Systems and Weapons in Space - Serious Consequences for Global Peace and Security: Report of the International Working Group Moving Beyond Missile Defense and Space Weap","International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility",,,,2021,Oct. "Masako Ikegami","Šé‰æˆÏˆõ’·u•ÒW‚ ‚Æ‚ª‚«v",,"Šj•¨Ž¿ŠÇ—Žž•ñ u”­Œø 50 Žü”N‚ðŒ}‚¦‚½ NPT ‘̧‚ÌŒ»ó‚Æ¡Œã:ŠjŒRk‚ð’†S‚Év‘æ12•ñ","Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Japan Chapter (INMMJ)",,"No. 12","p. 14",2021,Sept. "Hiroshi SAGARA,Chi Young HAN,Satoshi CHIBA,Yoshihisa MATSUMOTO,Noriyosu HAYASHIZAKI,Masako IKEGAMI,Akira OMOTO,Kenji TAKESHITA,Tatsuya KATABUCHI,Hiroshige KIKURA,Koichiro TAKAO","The Advanced Nuclear 3S Education and Training (ANSET) Program of Tokyo Tech: (1) Overview","The INMM & ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting","Proceedings of the INMM & ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting",,,,,2021,Aug. "Masako Ikegami","Missile Arms-Racing and Insecurity in the Asia-Pacific",,"International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) Research Paper","International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)",,,,2021,Aug. "Masako Ikegami","ƒ‘•]„ ‰|–{Žì—Ç ’˜w•Ší–fˆÕð–ñ \lŠÔE‘‰ÆŽåŒ E•ŠíˆÚ“]‹K§x",,"w‘ÛˆÀ‘S•Ûáx","‘ÛˆÀ‘S•ÛáŠw‰ï","Vol. 49","No. 1",,2021,June "Masako Ikegami,Zijian Wang","Does energy aid reduce CO2 emission intensities in developing countries?",,"Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy","Taylor & Francis",,,,2021,Feb.