"A. Itoh,S. Sakuma,Ali Shabaan,S. Yasui,Y. Kobayashi,M. Mizokami,M. Hirai,K. Ito","Oxidation behavior of solidified SUS304-B4C melt under high temperature steam","Nuclear Material (NuMat) 2022",,,,,,2022,Oct. "A. Itoh,R. Hagiwara,Kosuke Inoue,Shintaro Yasui,yoshinao kobayashi,K. Sakamoto,M. Mizokami,M. Hirai,K. Ito","Reaction mechanism of early liquefaction stage of SUS316/Inconel718-Zircaloy4 with and without oxide layer","Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Decommissioning Research (FDR2022)",,,,,,2022,Oct. "Ayumi Itoh,Susumu Yamashita,Yudai Tasaki,Kazuo Kakiuchi,Yoshinao Kobayashi","Double diffusive dissolution model of UO2 pellet in molten Zr cladding",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,,,,2022,Sept. "Shintaro Yasui,Daigo Nanasawa,Sou Yasuhara,Ayumi Itoh,yoshinao kobayashi,Takashi Teranishi","Electrolyte Dependence on Solid Electrolyte Interface (SEI) Formation in BaTiO3 Supported Lithium-ion Thin Film Battery","IEEE ISAF2022",,,,,,2022,June