"T. Ogawa,F. Ishiwari,F. Hajjaj,Y. Shoji,T. Kajitani,K. Yazawa,T. Fukushima","2D Hexagonal Assembly of a Dipolar Rotor with a Close Interval of 0.8 nm Using a Triptycene-Based Supramolecular Scaffold",,"ChemRxiv",,,,,2024,Apr. "M. Fukumitsu,T. Fukui,Y. Shoji,T. Kajitani,R. Kahn,N. V. Tkachenko,H. Sakai,T. Hasobe,T. Fukushima","Supramolecular-scaffold-directed two-dimensional assembly of pentacene into a configuration to facilitate singlet fission",,"ChemRxiv",,,,,2024,Apr. "Yoshiaki Shoji","Development of Functional Organoboron Compounds Based on a Concept "Boron Vacant-Orbital Engineering"","The 25th iCeMS International Symposium",,,,,,2024,Jan. "X. Wang,Y.i Wada,T. Shimada,A. Kosaka,K. Adachi,D. Hashizume,K. Yazawa,H. Uekusa,Y. Shoji,T. Fukushima,M. Kawano,Y. Murakami","Triple Isomerism in 3D Covalent Organic Frameworks",,"Journal of The American Chemical Society",,"Volume 146","Issue 3","Page 1832-1838",2024,Jan.