"KAZUTAKA NAKAMURA,Kazuma Ohya,Hiroshi Takahashi,Tetsuya Tsuruta,Katsura Norimatsu,Shinichi Uozumi,Kitajima,Yutaka Shikano,Yosuke Kayanuma","Spectrally resolved detection in transient reflectivity measurements for coherent optical phonons in diamond",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 94",," 024303",2016,July "M. Hada,K. Norimatsu,S. Tanaka,S. Keskin,T. Tsuruta,K. Igarashi,T. Ishikawa,Y. Kayanuma,R. J. D. Miller,K. Onda,T. Sasagawa,S. Koshihara,K. G. Nakamura","Bandgap Modulation in Photoexcited Topological Insulator Bi2Te3 via Atomic Displacements",,"THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS",," 145"," 2"," 024504",2016,July "Katsura Norimatsu","Ultrafast dynamics of photoexcited electrons and coherent phonons in topological insulators having the tetradymite structure",,,,,,,2016,Mar. "Katsura Norimatsu","Ultrafast dynamics of photoexcited electrons and coherent phonons in topological insulators having the tetradymite structure",,,,,,,2016,Mar. "Katsura Norimatsu","Ultrafast dynamics of photoexcited electrons and coherent phonons in topological insulators having the tetradymite structure",,,,,,,2016,Mar.