"Zhen Qi","Introduction of circadian rhythm and analysis of drug responses in cardiomyocyte and hepatic culture models",,,,,,,2021,Sept. "Zhen Qi","Introduction of circadian rhythm and analysis of drug responses in cardiomyocyte and hepatic culture models",,,,,,,2021,Sept. "Zhen Qi","Introduction of circadian rhythm and analysis of drug responses in cardiomyocyte and hepatic culture models",,,,,,,2021,Sept. "Zhen Qi","Introduction of circadian rhythm and analysis of drug responses in cardiomyocyte and hepatic culture models",,,,,,,2021,Sept. "QiZhen,玉井美保,今西未来,田川陽一","薬物スクリーニングのための “時計”をもつ肝組織モデルの構築","第6回デザイン生命工学研究会",,,,,,2021,Mar. "チュウモウチェン,高橋和雅,QiZhen,真保恵美子,田川陽一","脱細胞材料を用いた 胚性幹細胞から神経組織への分化誘導法 の開発およびその生化学的応用","第6回デザイン生命工学研究会",,,,,,2021,Mar.