"Yuval Kahlon,Momoko Nakatani,Haruyuki Fujii,Takuya Oki,Jiang Zhu,Santosh Maurya","A User Study For Facilitating Effective Remote Education In Design Studios: Towards Integration of Cyber-physical Technologies Into Design Education","The 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education","Proceeding of the 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education","Institution of Engineering Designers (IED)",,,,2022,Sept. "Santosh MAURYA,Yuval KAHLON,Takuya OKI,Jiang ZHU,Momoko NAKATANI,Yufei LIU","UTILIZING MR TECHNOLOGIES FOR ESSENTIAL PROJECT-BASED LEARNING IN DESIGN EDUCATION","The 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education","Proceeding of the 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education","Institution of Engineering Designers (IED)",,,,2022,Sept.