"Tatsuhiro Hosaka,Masatoshi KONDO,Yoshie Tamai,Satoshi Sato,Takashi Nozawa","Chemical compatibility of reduced activation ferritic martensitic steel F82H with thermal bonding fluids of advanced fusion neutron source (A-FNS)","The 29th International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research (ITC29)","Book of Abstract",,,,,2020,Oct. "Susumu Hatakeyama,Masatoshi Kondo,Yoshie Tamai,Naoko Oono,Takashi Nozawa","Material compatibility of high-purity liquid lead lithium alloy with various materials","The 29th International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research (ITC29)","Book of Abstract",,,,,2020,Oct. "Naoki TAKAHASHI,Masatoshi KONDO,KIM Jaehwan,Masaru NAKAMICHI","Fundamental study on fretting corrosion of various materials in solid breeder blanket","The 29th International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research (ITC29)","BooK of Abstract",,,,,2020,Oct. "Leo Iizuka,Masatoshi Kondo","Detection of mass transfer in liquid metals by quartz crystal microbalance","The 29th International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research (ITC29)","Book of Abstract",,,,,2020,Oct. "Masatoshi Kondo,Bruce Pint,Jiheon Jun,Nick Russell,Joel McDuffee,Masafumi Akiyoshi,Teruya Tanaka,Naoko Oono,Nanako Kawano,Junichi Miyazawa,Josina W Geringer,Yutai Kato,Yuji Hatano","Conceptual design of HFIR irradiation experiment for material compatibility study on liquid Sn divertor","The 29th International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research (ITC29)","Book of Abstract",,,,,2020,Oct. "近藤正聡,坂本宜照,森芳孝,笠田竜太","コロナ禍で核融合炉を学ぶ学生は何を思うのか(コロナウイルス感染症に負けるな!核融合若手インフォーマルミーティング主催,緊急特別企画リモートセミナーの開催報告)",,"J. Plasma Fusion Res.",,"Vol. 96","No. 9","pp. 519-521",2020,Sept. "Nanako KAWANO,Yoshie TAMAI,Masatoshi KONDO","Excellent Corrosion Resistance of Tungsten Materials in liquid Tin",,"Plasma and Fusion Research","プラズマ・核融合学会","Vol. 15",,"pp. 1-2",2020,July "M. Kondo,K. Yamanoi,T. Norimatsu","Material issues related to tritium breeding and energy conversion in inertial fusion reactors",,"Pathways to Energy from Inertial Fusion: Structural Materials for Inertial Fusion Facilities",,"Vol. 1911",,"pp. 216-220",2020,May "M. Kondo,C. Park,T. Nozawa,K. Sasaki,M. Takahashi,Y. Hishinuma,T. Tanaka,T. Muroga,B. Matovic","Thermodynamic consideration on chemical interactions between liquid metals and steels",,"Challenges for Coolants in Fast Neutron Spectrum Systems","IAEA","Vol. 1912",,"pp. 157-164",2020,May "T. Muroga,M. Kondo","Materials issues for liquid metal coolant nuclear systems",,"Challenges for Coolants in Fast Neutron Spectrum Systems","IAEA",,,"pp. 152-156",2020,May "波多野雄治,横峯健彦,檜木達也,橋本直幸,大矢恭久,大塚哲平,近藤正聡,宮沢順一,長坂琢也","5. FRONTIER計画 (2019年度-2024年度)",,"プラズマ核融合学会誌","プラズマ核融合学会","Vol. 96","No. 3","pp. 145-148",2020,Mar. "Masatoshi Kondo,Teruya Tanaka,Satoshi Fukada,Tsusar Valentyn","Liquid BreederMaterials",,"Comprehensive Nuclear Materials 2nd edition, Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering 2020",,,,,2020,Mar. "飯塚玲雄,近藤正聡","水晶振動子マイクロバランス法による液体金属中の微小物質輸送現象に関する研究","日本原子力学会 2020年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2020年春の年会 予稿集",,,,,2020,Mar. "近藤正聡,秋吉優史,大野直子,田中照也","液体金属錫(Sn)の材料共存性に関する研究 (1)鉄系材料の場合","日本原子力学会 2020年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2020年春の年会 予稿集",,,,,2020,Mar. "嘉納 悠生,近藤 正聡,千々和 伸浩,オ ミンホ,玉井 芳江","液体金属とコンクリート材料の共存性に関する研究","日本原子力学会 2020年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2020年春の年会 予稿集",,,,,2020,Mar.