"解良拓海,松井宏晃,松島政貴,加藤雄人","Energy transfer among the equatorially symmetric components of magnetic and flow fields during dipole reversals in geodynamo model","地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会",,,,,,2021,Nov. "高橋太,松島政貴,清水久芳","5.2 月の磁場(その起源と現在)",,"月サイエンスブック第一部",,,," 177-187",2021,Aug. "T?lay Kaya-Eken,Yasuo Ogawa,Yoshiya Usui,Takafumi Kasaya,M. Kemal Tun?er,Yoshimori Honkura,Naoto Oshiman,Masaki Matsushima,Weerachai Siripunvaraporn","3D Electromagnetic Imaging Beneath the North Anatolian Fault Zone in the Marmara Sea",,,,,,,2021,Aug. "松島政貴","An attempt to detect a stratified layer at the core surface from a geomagnetic field data","日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会",,,,,,2021,June "Masaki Matsushima","Summary: Effect of core electrical conductivity on core surface flow models",,"2020年度 Conductivity Anomaly 研究会論文集",,,,,2021,Feb. "南拓人,中野慎也,Vincent Lesur,Futoshi Takahashi,Masaki Matsushima,清水久芳,中島涼輔,谷口陽菜実,藤浩明","Summary: A candidate secular variation model for IGRF-13 based on MHD dynamo simulation and 4DEnVar data assimilation",,"2020年度 Conductivity Anomaly 研究会論文集",,,," 79-86",2021,Feb.