"ISAO YAMADA","Tutorial Lecture: Signal Processing Applications of Fixed Point Theory of Quasi-nonexpansive Mapping","6th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2007)","6th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2007)",,,,,2007,Dec. "Masao Yamagishi,ISAO YAMADA","Efficient monotone approximation operator to convex level sets by one dimensional quadratic best lower bound","IEICE SIP Symposium 2007","Proceedings of IEICE SIP Symposium 2007",,,,"pp. in CD-ROM",2007,Nov. "Masaki Misono,ISAO YAMADA","Adaptive minor subspace extraction based on modified Oja-Xu MCA learning","IEICE SIP Symposium 2007","Proceedings of IEICE SIP Symposium 2007",,,,,2007,Nov. "Renato Cavalcante,ISAO YAMADA","OFDM Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction by Adaptive Projected Subgradient Method","IEICE SIP Symposium 2007","Proceedings of IEICE SIP Symposium 2007",,,,"pp. in CD-ROM",2007,Nov. "Masahiro Yukawa,Rodorigo de LAMARE,ISAO YAMADA","Set-Theoretic Reduced-Rank Adaptive Filtering by Adaptive Projected Subgradient Method","The 41st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers","Proceedings of the 41st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers","IEEE",,,,2007,Nov. "ISAO YAMADA,Takahashi Noriyuki","Steady-state analysis of adaptive filtering based on projection onto hyperslab","IEICE SIP Symposium 2007","Proceedings of IEICE SIP Symposium 2007",,,,"pp. in CD-ROM",2007,Nov. "ISAO YAMADA","Optimization over possibly nonconvex fixed point set of certain mappings and its signal processing applications","Second Mathematical Programming Society International Conference on Continuous Optimization ICCOPT II & MOPTA-07","Second Mathematical Programming Society International Conference on Continuous Optimization ICCOPT II & MOPTA-07",,,,,2007,Nov. "Tomasz Piotrowski,Renato Cavalcante,ISAO YAMADA","An Application of MV-PURE Estimator to Robust Detection Problem in Multiaccess MIMO Wireless Systems","IEICE SIP Symposium 2007","Proceedings of IEICE SIP Symposium 2007",,,,,2007,Nov. "ISAO YAMADA","Hierarchical Constrained Optimization Problems and Their Signal Processing Applications","Sophia Symposium 2007 - Modern Mathematics and Its Applications to Modern Technology","Sophia Symposium 2007 - Modern Mathematics and Its Applications to Modern Technology",,,,,2007,Nov. "山田功","やさしい解説: 凸射影と適応フィルタリングの親密な関係 - はらぺこJAWSから学ぶ理想的な信号処理",,"日本音響学会誌","日本音響学会","Vol. 63","No. 10","pp. 600-605",2007,Oct. "山田功","数学が切り拓く情報通信の世界",,"四谷学院の「最新」学部学科がよくわかる本 (四谷学院進学指導部編著)","アーク出版",,,"pp. 216-217",2007,Sept. "Takahashi Noriyuki,ISAO YAMADA","Hybrid Jacobi method and Hybrid Gauss-Seidel method for signal processing over distributed network",,"Proceedings of the 2007 International Workshop on Spectral Methods and Multirate Signal Processing (SMMSP 2007)","Tampere University of Technology",,,"pp. 249-255",2007,Sept. "Tomasz Piotrowski,ISAO YAMADA","Minimum-Variance Pseudo-Unbiased Reduced-Rank Estimator (MV-PURE) and its applications to ill-conditioned inverse problems",,"Proceedings of the 2007 International Workshop on Spectral Methods and Multirate Signal Processing (SMMSP 2007)","Tampere University of Technology",,,"pp. 29-35",2007,Sept. "Konstantinos Slavakis,Isao Yamada","Robust wideband beamforming by the hybrid steepest descent method",,"IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing",,"vol. 55","no. 9","pp. 4511-4522",2007,Sept. "Konstantinos Slavakis,Sergios Theodridis,ISAO YAMADA","Online sparse kernel-based classification by projection","2007 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP2007)","Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP2007)","IEEE",,,"pp. in CD-ROM",2007,Aug. "Masahiro YUKAWA,Konstantinos SLAVAKIS,Isao YAMADA","Adaptive parallel quadratic-metric projection algorithms",,"IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing",,"Vol. 15","No. 5","pp. 1665-1680",2007,July "Danilo P. Mandic,ISAO YAMADA","Tutorial Lecture : Machine Learning and Signal Processing Applications","IEEE ICASSP 2007","IEEE ICASSP 2007: Tutorial Textbook",,,,"pp. 1-135",2007,Apr. "Konstantinos Slavakis,Sergios Theodridis,Isao Yamada","Online Kernel-Based Classification by Projections","IEEE ICASSP2007","Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP2007",,,,"pp. (in CD-ROM)",2007,Apr. "Masahiro Yukawa,Isao Yamada","Adaptive Parallel Variable-Metric Projection Algorithm --- An Application to Acoustic Echo Cancelletion","IEEE ICASSP2007","Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP2007",,,,"pp. (in CD-ROM)",2007,Apr. "Renato L. Cavalcante,Isao Yamada","Multiaccess Interference Reduction in OSTBC-MIMO Systems by Adaptive Projected Subgradient Method","IEEE ICASSP2007","Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP2007",,,,"pp. (in CD-ROM)",2007,Apr.