"山田功,Tomasz PIotrowski","最小分散低階数擬似不偏推定法(MV-PURE)とロバスト信号処理 [チュートリアル講演]",,"23rd IEICE Signal Processing Symposium (Nov. 12, 2008)",,,,,2008,Nov. "Tomasz Piotrowski,ISAO YAMADA","Directions for Use and Efficient Computation of the Stochastic MV-PURE Estimator",,"Proceedings of IEICE SIP Symposium 2008",,,,,2008,Nov. "Masao Yamagishi,ISAO YAMADA","An Improvement of Subgradient Projection Operator and Its Machine Learning Application",,"Proceedings of IEICE SIP Symposium 2008",,,,,2008,Nov. "山田功","最適化と計算代数の融合が拓く信号処理 - 過去・現在・未来への旅-(特別講演)","Computer Algebra --- Design of Algorithms, Implementations and Applications","京都大学数理解析研究所研究集会: Computer Algebra --- Design of Algorithms, Implementations and Applications, Kyoto, Nov.25-27, 2009.","京都大学数理解析研究所研究集会",,,,2008,Nov. "ISAO YAMADA","Hierarchical Nonconvex Constrained Optimization and Its Signal Processing Applications",,"Workshop: Advances in Mathematical Modeling and Computational Algorithms in Information Processing @ The Institute of Statistical Mathematics (Tokyo) (November 1, 2008)",,,,,2008,Nov. "Sergios THEODORIDIS,Konstantinos SLAVAKIS,Isao YAMADA","Adaptive Processing in a World of Projection (Plenary Lecture)",,"2008 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP) Workshop, Cancun: Mexico, October 16-19, 2008",,,,,2008,Oct. "Masao YAMAGISHI,Isao YAMADA","A Deep Monotone Approximation Operator Based on the Best Quadratic Lower Bound of Convex Functions",,"IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals",,"Vol. E91-A","No. 8","pp. 1858-1866",2008,Aug. "Tomasz PIOTROWSKI,Isao YAMADA","MV-PURE Estimator --- Minimum-Variance Pseudo-Unbiased Reduced-Rank Estimator (MV-PURE) for Linearly Constrained Ill-Conditioned Inverse Problems",,"IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing",,"vol. 56",,"pp. 3408-3423",2008,Aug. "Konstantinos SLAVAKIS,Sergios THEODORIDIS,Isao YAMADA","Robust Adaptive Nonlinear Beamforming by Kernels and Projection Mappings","EUSIPCO 2008","Proceedings of EUSIPCO 2008",,,," in CD-ROM",2008,Aug. "ISAO YAMADA,Tomasz Piotrowski,Masao Yamagishi","Reduced-rank extension of BLUE and deep lipschitzian gradient projector for inverse problems","IUCr2008(International Union of Crystallography - Micro Symposium : Real space direct method)","IUCr2008 (CD-ROM of Abstract)",,,,,2008,Aug. "山田功","国際会議報告:2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing",,"電子情報通信学会誌","電子情報通信学会","Vol. 91","No. 8","p. 753",2008,Aug. "Noriyuki Takahashi,Isao Yamada","Parallel Algorithms for Variational Inequalities over The Cartesian Product of The Intersections of The Fixed Point Sets of Nonexpansive Mappings",,"Journal of Approximation Theory",,"Vol. 153","No. 2","pp. 139-160",2008,Aug. "Masaki MISONO,Isao YAMADA","An Efficient Adaptive Minor Subspace Extraction Using Exact Nested Orthogonal Complement Structure",,"IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals",,"Vol. E91-A","No. 8","pp. 1867-1874",2008,Aug. "Konstantinos SLAVAKIS,Sergios THEODORIDIS,ISAO YAMADA","Online Kernel-Based Classification Using Adaptive Projection Algorithms",,"IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing",,"Vol. 56","No. 7","pp. 2781-2796",2008,July "Noriyuki Takahashi,Isao Yamada","Incremental adaptive filtering over distributed networks using parallel projection onto hyperslabs",,"Technical Report of IEICE",,"Vol. 108","No. 108","pp. 17-22",2008,June "Renato Cavalcante,Isao Yamada","Multiaccess Interference Suppression in Orthogonal Space-Time Block Coded MIMO Systems by Adaptive Projected Subgradient Method",,"IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing",,"vol. 56","no. 3","pp. 1028?1042",2008,Mar. "仁平章,松下卓史,高橋則行,山田功","低階数最良近似行列を用いた非負行列因子逐次分解法に関する一考察",,"電子情報通信学会技術研究報告",,"Vol. 107","No. 529","pp. 125-128",2008,Mar. "ISAO YAMADA","An Invitation to Signal Processing Algorithms Based on Computational Fixed Point Theory of Quasi-nonexpansive Mapping",,"Proceedings of Sophia Symposium 2007 - Modern Mathematics and Its Application to Modern Technology",,,,"pp. 32-36",2008,Feb. "Hiroshi Hasegawa,Ohtsuka Toshinori,ISAO YAMADA,KOHICHI SAKANIWA","An Edge-Preserving Super-Precision for Simultaneous Enhancement of Spacial and Grayscale Resolutions",,"IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals",,"Vol. E91-A","No. 2","pp. 673-681",2008,Feb.