"Kurita, S.,Kanda, M.","Characteristics of Boundary Layer over a Sequence of Small Localized Urban Canopies with Various Heights Obtained by Wind-Tunnel Experiment",,"Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan","Meteorological Society of Japan","Vol. 87","No. 4","pp. 705-719",2009,Sept. "瀧本浩史,佐藤 歩,小野村史穂,神田 学","PIVを用いた乱流計測?屋外模型都市と室内模型都市の相互比較?",,"土木学会水工学論文集",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 241-246",2009,Sept. "Nakayoshi, M.,Moriwaki, R.,Kawai, T.,Kanda, M.","Differences in RI characteristics between urban and forest canopies - what is the cause?","2nd International Conference on Forests and Water in a Changing Environment",,,,,,2009,Sept. "小林賢司,神田学","流域環境カルテ構築の試み",,"土木学会第64回年次学術講演会 講演概要集",,,,"pp. 393-394",2009,Sept. "Takimoto, H.,Sato, A.,Michioka, T.,Kanda, M.","PIV measurements on the effects of fetch lengths and atmospheric stabilities on turbulent flow over building arrays.",,"Physical Modelling of Flow and Dispersion Phenomena",,,,,2009,Aug. "Nakayoshi, M.,Moriwaki, R.,Kawai, T.,Kanda, M.","Mechanism on urban rainfall interception","The 7th International Conference on Urban Climate",,,,,,2009,July "Nakayoshi, M.,Kanda, M.","Lagrangian human bio-meteorology","The 7th International Conference on Urban Climate, 29 June - 3 July 2009, Yokohama, Japan",,,,,,2009,July "Shimoju, R.,Nakayoshi, M.,Kanda, M.","Numerical simulation of sea breeze on high rise buildings to reproduce the localized heavy rain in Tokyo","The 7th International Conference on Urban Climate,",,,,,,2009,July "Takimoto, H.,Sato, A.,Onomura, S.,Kanda, M.","PIV measurements of atmospheric turbulence within and above an outdoor urban scale model.","The 7th International Conference on Urban Climate",,,,,,2009,June "Inagaki, A.,Maruyama, A.,Kanda, M.","Spatial and temporal scales of coherent turbulence over outdoor reduced urban scale model","The 7th International Conference on Urban Climate, P2-12",,,,,,2009,June "CASTILLO, M.C.,Syo, S.,Kanda, M.,Letzel, M. O.,Inagaki, A.","Conherent structures of a neutrally stratified urban boundary layer using large-eddy simulation","The 7th International Conference on Urban Climate, A7-5",,,,,,2009,June "Inagaki, A.,Kanda, M.","Structure of active turbulence over outdoor reduced urban scale model","The 7th International Conference on Urban Climate",,,,," A3-4",2009,June "Kanda, M.,Moriizumi, T.","Momentum and Heat Transfer over Urban-like Surfaces",,"Boundary-Layer Meteorology",,"Vol. 131","No. 3","pp. 385-401",2009,June "神田 学","システム科学としての水文・水資源学",,"水文・水資源学会誌",,"Vol. 22","No. 1","pp. 61-62",2009,June "Onomura, S.,Takimoto, H.,Kanda, M.","Influence of a heated wall on urban canopy flow using PIV measurements.","The 7th International Conference on Urban Climate",,,,,,2009,June "Oda, R.,Kanda, M.","Cooling Effect of Sea Surface Temperature of Tokyo Bay on Urban Air Temperature.","The 7th International Conference on Urban Climate",,,,,,2009,June "Nakayoshi, M.,Moriwaki, R.,Kawai, T.,Kanda, M.","Experimental study on rainfall interception over an outdoor urban-scale model",,"Water Resources Research",,"Vol. 45",,,2009,Apr. "仲吉信人,神田学","ラグランジュアン追跡による人体温熱生理の評価","電子情報通信学会2009年度第1回医療情報通信技術研究会","第1回医療情報通信技術研究会資料集",,,,"pp. 77-87",2009,Apr. "Kawai, T.,Ridwan, M. K.,Kanda, M.","Evaluation of the Simple Urban Energy Balance Model Using Selected Data from 1-yr Flux Observations at Two Cities",,"Journal of Applied Meteorology & Climatology",,"Vol. 48","No. 4","p. 693-715",2009,Apr. "佐藤歩,瀧本浩史,道岡武信,神田学","建物キャニオン内の気流と拡散に関する屋外都市スケールモデル実験",,"土木学会水工学論文集","土木学会","Vol. 53",,"pp. 247-252",2009,Mar. "Suga, M.,Almkvist, E.,Oda, R.,Kusaka, H.,Kanda, M.","The Impacts of anthropogenic energy and urban canopy model on urban atmosphere",,"Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,JSCE",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 283-288",2009,Mar. "小田僚子,神田学","夏季の東京湾海表面温度変化と都市気温の関係?東京湾は都市の気温上昇を抑制するか??",,"土木学会水工学論文集",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 319-324",2009,Mar. "丸山綾子,稲垣厚至,神田学","屋外都市模型における時空間解析を用いた乱流構造特性の把握",,"土木学会水工学論文集",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 313-318",2009,Mar. "章晋,Marcu LETZEL MARCS,稲垣厚至,瀧本浩史,神田学","LESによる都市大気境界層の大規模乱流構造階層性に関する研究",,"土木学会水工学論文集",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 259-264",2009,Mar. "Castillo, C.,Kanda, M.,Letzel, M. O.","Heat ventilation efficiency of urban surfaces using LES",,"Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,JSCE",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 175-180",2009,Mar. "神田 学","WRFの都市気象研究への応用",,"日本流体力学会機関紙 ながれ","日本流体力学会","Vol. 28","No. 1","pp. 21-28",2009,Feb. "仲吉信人,神田学","ラグランジュアン人間気象学の試論",,"土木学会水工学論文集",,"vol. 53",,"pp. 325-330",2009,Feb. "下重亮,仲吉信人,神田学","都市の幾何形状と地形によって生じる海風の収束が東京の夏季局地的集中豪雨発生に及ぼす影響",,"土木学会水工学論文集",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 277-282",2009,Feb. "福本 恵梨子,下重 亮,須賀 マウロ,神田 学","都市の幾何形状が地表面熱収支へ及ぼす影響","土木学会第64回年次学術講演会","土木学会第64回年次学術講演会 講演概要集",,,,"pp. 435-436",2009, "Oda, R.,Kanda, M.","Observed sea surface temperature of Tokyo Bay and its impact on urban air temperature",,"Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology",,"Vol. 48","No. 10","pp. 2054-2068",2009,