"Nikaido M,Okada N.","Nose and Lip: Recent Progress in my Cichlid Research.","JSPS Asia Africa Science Platform Program, Joint Meeting",,,,,,2009,Oct. "村田 有美枝,田村 純香,中谷 友紀,曾田 祐輔,Koji Fujimura,Yasunori Murakami,Masataka Okabe,岡田 典弘,田中 幹子","Allometric growth of trunk-tail leads to the rostral shift of the pelvic fin in teleost fishes","第15回小型魚類研究会",,,,,,2009,Sept. "二階堂雅人,豊田敦,山岸公子,藤山秋佐夫,岡田典弘","シクリッドV2R型嗅覚受容遺伝子群の進化:lineage specific expansionの進化的役割は?","第11回日本進化学会",,,,,,2009,Sept. "平田直,二階堂雅人,山岸公子,岡田典弘","近縁種シクリッド間におけるV1R2嗅覚受容体遺伝子の多型状態の解析","第11回日本進化学会",,,,,,2009,Sept. "Mika Hirakawa,Hidenori Nishihara,Minoru Kanehisa,Norihiro Okada","Characterization and evolutionary landscape of AmnSINE1 in Amniota genomes",,"GENE",,"Vol. 441",,"pp. 100-110",2009,July "Oliver Piskurek,Hidenori Nishihara,Norihiro Okada","The evolution of two partner LINE/SINE families and a full-length chromodomain-containing Ty3/Gypsy LTR element in the first reptilian genome of Anolis carolinensis",,"GENE",,"Vol. 441",,"pp. 111-118",2009,July "Yumie Murata,Mika Tamura,Yuki Nakatani,Yusuke Aita,Koji Fujimura,Yasunori Murakami,Masataka Okabe,Norihiro Okada,Mikiko Tanaka","Allometric growth of trunk-tail leads to the rostral shift of the pelvic fin in teleost fishes","日本発生生物学会第42回大会",,,,,,2009,May "Hidenori Nishihara,Shigenori Maruyama,Norihiro Okada","Retroposon analysis and recent geological data suggest near-simultaneous divergence of the three superorders of mammals",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA","The National Academy of Sciences of the USA","Vol. 106","No. 13","pp. 5235-5240",2009,Mar. "Okada N,Nikaido M,Nishihara H.","Phylogenomics and its Future: Devoted to M Hasegawa.",,"GENE",,"Vol. 441",," 1?192",2009, "二階堂雅人,岡田典弘","哺乳類における海への再侵入と進化",,"海洋の生命史(西田睦編)",,,,"pp. 139-154",2009,