"SHINJI MASUDA","The bacterial stringent response, conserved in chloroplasts, controls plant fertilization.",,"Plant Cell Physiol. 49: 135-141.",,,,,2008, "Masuda, S.,Mizusawa, K.,Narisawa, T.,Tozawa, Y.,Ohta, H.,Takamiya, K.-I.,SHINJI MASUDA","The bacterial stringent response, conserved in chloroplasts, controls plant fertilization",,"Plant and Cell Physiology",,"Vol. 49","No. 2","pp. 135-141",2008, "SHINJI MASUDA","Regulation of aerobic photosystem synthesis in the purple bacterium Rhodospirillum centenum.",,"Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 7: 1267-1272.",,,,,2008, "Masuda, S.,Berleman, J.,Hasselbring, B.M.,Bauer, C.E.,SHINJI MASUDA","Regulation of aerobic photosystem synthesis in the purple bacterium Rhodospirillum centenum by CrtJ and AerR",,"Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences",,"Vol. 7","No. 10","pp. 1267-1272",2008, "SHINJI MASUDA","Possible targets of gmagic spotsh in plant signaling.",,"Plant Signaling Behavior 3: 1021-1023.",,,,,2008, "Masuda, S.,Tozawa, Y.,Ohta, H.,SHINJI MASUDA","Possible targets of "magic spots" in plant signalling",,"Plant Signaling and Behavior",,"Vol. 3","No. 11","pp. 1021-1023",2008, "SHINJI MASUDA","Expression profiling of four RelA/SpoT-like proteins, homologues of bacterial stringent factors, in Arabidopsis thaliana.",,"Planta 228: 553-562.",,,,,2008, "Mizusawa, K.,Masuda, S.,Ohta, H.,SHINJI MASUDA","Expression profiling of four RelA/SpoT-like proteins, homologues of bacterial stringent factors, in Arabidopsis thaliana",,"Planta",,"Vol. 228","No. 4","pp. 553-562",2008, "SHINJI MASUDA","Crucial role in light signal transduction for the conserved Met93 of the BLUF protein PixD/Slr1694.",,"Plant Cell Physiol. 49: 1600-1606.",,,,,2008, "Masuda, S.,Hasegawa, K.,Ohta, H.,Ono, T.-A.,SHINJI MASUDA","Crucial role in light signal transduction for the conserved Met93 of the BLUF protein PixD/Slr1694",,"Plant and Cell Physiology",,"Vol. 49","No. 10","pp. 1600-1606",2008, "Masuda, S.,Tozawa, Y.,Ohta, H.","Possible targets of gmagic spotsh in plant signaling.",,"Plant Signaling Behavior.",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 1021-1023",2008, "Mizusawa, K.,Masuda, S.,Ohta, H.","Expression profiling of four RelA/SpoT-like proteins, homologues of bacterial stringent factors, in Arabidopsis thaliana.",,"Planta",,"Vol. 228",,"pp. 553-562",2008, "Masuda, S.,Mizusawa, K.,Narisawa, T.,Tozawa, Y.,Ohta, H.,Takamiya, K.","The Bacterial Stringent Response, Conserved in Chloroplasts, Controls Plant Fertilization,",,"Plant Cell Physiol",,"Vol. 49",,"pp. 135-141",2008,