"SHINJI MASUDA","Significance of dynamic interaction between the BLUF photoreceptor PixD and its downstream factor PixE for controlling phototaxis in cyanobacteria","The International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies",,,,,,2015,Dec. "Mikika Maekawa,Rina Honoki,Yuta Ihara,Ryoichi Sato,Akira Oikawa,Yuri Kanno,Hiroyuki Ohta,Mitsunori Seo,Kazuki Saito,Shinji Masuda","Impact of the plastidial stringent response in plant growth and stress responses.",,"Nature plants",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 15167",2015,Nov. "Shinji Masuda","Molecular mechanisms of blue-light sensing by BLUF photoreceptors","岡崎統合バイオサイエンスセンター サマースクール2015",,,,,,2015,Aug. "Shimizu, T.,Cheng, Z.,Matsuura, K.,Masuda, S.,Bauer C. E.","Evidence that altered cis element spacing affects PpsR mediated redox control of photosynthesis gene expression in Rubrivivax gelatinosus.",,"PLos ONE",,"Vol. 10",,,2015,June "SHINJI MASUDA","A highly sensitive quantification method for the accumulation of alarmone ppGpp in Arabidopsis thaliana using UPLC-ESI-qMS/MS.",,"J. Plant Res.",,"Vol. 128","No. 3","pp. 511-518",2015,May "Tsukatani, Y.,Masuda, S.","Elucidation of genetic backgrounds necessary for chlorophyll a biosynthesis toward artificial creation of oxygenic photosynthesis.",,"Origins Life Evol. Biosph.",,"Vol. 45",,"pp. 367-369",2015,May "Ren, S.,Sugimoto, Y.,Kobayashi, T.,Masuda, S.","Cross-linking analysis reveals the putative dimer structure of the cyanobacterial BLUF photoreceptor PixD.",,"FEBS Lett.",,"Vol. 589",,"pp. 1879-1882",2015,May "Yuta Ihara,Hiroyuki Ohta,Shinji Masuda","A highly sensitive quantification method for the accumulation of alarmone ppGpp in Arabidopsis thaliana using UPLC-ESI-qMS/MS",,"Journal of Plant Research","Springer Japan"," 128"," 3"," 511-518",2015,May "Hikaru Saito,Takaya Oikawa,Shin Hamamoto,Yasuhiro Ishimaru,Miyu Kanamori-Sato,Yuko Sasaki-Sekimoto,Tomoya Utsumi,Jing Chen,Yuri Kanno,Shinji Masuda,Yuji Kamiya,Mitsunori Seo,Nobuyuki Uozumi,Minoru Ueda,Hiroyuki Ohta","The jasmonate-responsive GTR1 transporter is required for gibberellin-mediated stamen development in Arabidopsis",,"Nature Communications","Nature Publishing Group"," 6",," 6095",2015,Feb. "SHINJI MASUDA","The jasmonate-responsive GTR1 transporter is required for gibberellin-mediated stamen development in Arabidopsis.",,"Nature Commun.",,"Vol. 6",,,2015,Feb. "Shinji Masuda,Yuki Nakatani,Shukun Ren,Mikiko Tanaka","“PICCORO”-a novel technique for manipulating the activity of transcription factors with blue light.","6th Strategic Conference of Zebrafish Investigators",,,,,,2015,Jan. "Ren, S.,Sugimoto, Y.,Kobayashi, T.,Masuda, S.,SHINJI MASUDA","Cross-linking analysis reveals the putative dimer structure of the cyanobacterial BLUF photoreceptor PixD",,"FEBS Letters",,"Vol. 589","No. 15","pp. 1879-1882",2015, "Tsukatani, Y.,Masuda, S.,SHINJI MASUDA","Elucidation of Genetic Backgrounds Necessary for Chlorophyll a Biosynthesis Toward Artificial Creation of Oxygenic Photosynthesis",,"Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres",,"Vol. 45","No. 3","pp. 367-369",2015, "Shimizu, T.,Cheng, Z.,Matsuura, K.,Masuda, S.,Bauer, C.E.,SHINJI MASUDA","Evidence that altered cis element spacing affects PpsR mediated redox control of photosynthesis gene expression in Rubrivivax gelatinosus",,"PLoS ONE",,"Vol. 10","No. 6",,2015, "Maekawa, M.,Honoki, R.,Ihara, Y.,Sato, R.,Oikawa, A.,Kanno, Y.,Ohta, H.,Seo, M.,Saito, K.,Masuda, S.,SHINJI MASUDA","Impact of the plastidial stringent response in plant growth and stress responses",,"Nature Plants",,"Vol. 1",,,2015,