"Hai Hoang,TOMOKO MATSUDA","Expansion of substrate scope of Candida antarctica lipase B toward bulky phenylalkanols by liquid carbon dioxide","Pacifichem2015",,,,,,2015,Dec. "Hai Hoang,TOMOKO MATSUDA","EXPANSION OF SUBSTRATE SPECIFICITY OF LIPASE-CATALYZED TRANSESTERIFICATION USING LIQUID CARBON DIOXIDE","Biotrans2015",,,,,,2015,July "Yosuke Sugiyama,Miki Senda,Toshiya Senda,TOMOKO MATSUDA","Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of acetophenone reductase from Geotrichum candidum NBRC 4597",,"Acta Cryst.",," F71",," 320-323",2015,Feb. "Hai Hoang,TOMOKO MATSUDA","Liquid carbon dioxide as an effective solvent for immobilized Candida antarctica lipase B catalyzed transesterification",,"Tetrahedron Letters",,"Vol. 56","No. 4","p. 639-641",2015,Jan. "TOMOKO MATSUDA,Hai Hoang","Expanding substrate scope of lipase-catalyzed transesterification by the utilization of liquid carbon dioxide",,"Tetrahedron",,,,,2015,