"Kyoichi Kijima","Service Innovation in Systems Sciences Perspective","The 10th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences","Abstract of the 10th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences",,,,,2009,Dec. "GALBRUNJEROME,Kyoichi Kijima","A Co-evolutionary Perspective in Medical Technology: Clinical Innovation Systems in Europe and in Japan",,"Asian Journal of Technology Innovation",,"Vol. 17","No. 2","pp. 195-216",2009,Dec. "南山徳之,木嶋恭一","カスタマー主導の相互作用を考慮し たサービス提供システムの分析","経営情報学会2009年秋季全国研究発表大会","経営情報学会学会2009年秋季研究発表大会論文集","経営情報学会学会2007年秋季研究発表大会論文集",,,,2009,Nov. "亀井宏和,木嶋恭一","エージェントの主観的評価を考慮し た階層的提携形成プロセスのシミュ レーション分析","経営情報学会2009年秋季全国研究発表大会","経営情報学会学会2009年秋季研究発表大会論文集",,,,,2009,Nov. "中村信之,木嶋恭一","人材育成型人事制度構築をめざして",,"経営情報学会学会2009年秋季研究発表大会論文集",,,,,2009,Nov. "GALBRUNJEROME,Kyoichi Kijima","Cocreating Social Value through Lead User Interactions: Experiencing Innovative Clinical Solutions in Healthcare","18th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference","Proceedings of 18th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference",,"Vol. 1","No. 1",,2009,Oct. "GALBRUNJEROME,Kyoichi Kijima","Fostering Innovation System of a Firm with Hierarchy Theory: Narratives on Emergent Clinical Solutions in Healthcare","The 2009 Annual Meeting of the International Society for Systems Sciences","Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Meeting of the International Society for Systems Sciences",,"Vol. 1","No. 1",,2009,July "Takafumi Nakamura,Kyoichi Kijima","A Methodology to Prolong System Lifespan and Its Application to IT Systems","The 2009 Annual Meeting of the International Society for Systems Sciences","Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Meeting of the International Society for Systems Sciences",,"Vol. 1","No. 1",,2009,July "Karin L?ffler,Hugo Tschirky,Kyoichi Kijima","Embedding enterprise science into SSM for improving innovation systems in technology-based companies",,"Systems Research and Behavioral Sciences","John Wiley and Sons","Vol. 26","No. 6","pp. 675-687",2009,Apr. "出口弘,木嶋恭一","エージェントベースの社会システム科学宣言?地球社会のリベラルアーツめざして",,,"勁草書房",,,,2009,Mar. "Norimasa Kobayashi,Kyoichi Kijima","Optimal Structure of Set-valued Solutions of Normal-form Games and Coordination",,"Journal of Systems Science and Complexity.",,"Vol. 22","No. 1"," 63-76",2009,Feb. "Takafumi Nakamura,Kyoichi Kijima","System of system failures: Meta methodology for IT engineering safety",,"Systems Research and Behavioral Science","John Wiley and Sons","Vol. 26","No. 1","pp. 29-47",2009,Jan. "Hermawan Pri,Kyoichi Kijima","Conflict analysis of Citarum River Basin pollution in Indonesia: A drama-theoretic model",,"Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering",,"Vol. 18","No. 1","pp. 16-37",2009,