"G. Gomez-Sosa,T. Ogawa,T. Isoshima,M. Hara","Second-order nonlinear optical susceptibilities of poly (hexa-2,4-diynylene-1,6-dioxy) dibenzoates containing azo chromophore Disperse Red 19 by electroabsorption spectroscopy",,"Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials",,"Vol. 15","No. 4","pp. 455-463",2006,Dec. "A. Fujimori,S. Kobayashi,R. Masuya,T. Masuko,E. Ito,M. Hara,K. Kanai,Y. Ouchi,K. Seki,H. Nakahara","Molecular orientation and morphology of organized molecular films for fluorinated comb copolymers",,"Macromolecular Symposia",,"Vol. 245","No. 1","pp. 215-227",2006,Dec. "V. Tsytsarev,M. Taketani,F. Schottler,S. Tanaka,M. Hara","A new planar multielectrode array: recording from a rat auditory cortex",,"Journal of Neural Engineering",,"Vol. 3","No. 4","pp. 293-298",2006,Oct. "A. Fujimori,R. Masuya,T. Masuko,E. Ito,M. Hara,K. Kanai,Y. Ouchi,K. Seki,H. 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