"茶谷正洋,大野隆造,小林啓明","テクスチャの視覚に関する研究 : 第 2 報石膏粒度板の見えのあらさ",,"日本建築学会計画系論文報告集","日本建築学会",,"No. 294","pp. 123-130",1980,Aug. "Ryuzo OHNO","Visual Perception of Texture: Development of a scale of the perceived surface roughness of building materials",,"Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association",,,,"pp. 193-206",1980,Mar. "Ryuzo OHNO","The Visual Perception of Texture in the Environment",,"Publications in Architecture and Urban Planning R80-2","Center for Architecture and Urban Planning Research, University of Wisconsin",,,,1980,