"Ooki, Y.,Kasai, K.,Azuma, Y.,Motoyui, S.,Kaneko, K.","Value-Added 5-Story Steel Frame and Its Components: Part 2 ? Full-Scale Tests of Beam-Column-Gusset Plate Assemblies",,"Proc. of The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering",,,,"pp. S17.1.15",2008,Oct. "Kaneko, K.,Kasai, K.,Motoyui, S.,末岡 利之,Azuma, Y.,Ooki, Y","Analysis of Beam-Column-Gusset Components in 5-Story Value-Added Frame",,"Proc. of The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering",,,,"pp. S17.1.7",2008,Oct. "Kazuhiko Kasai,Yoji Ooki,Shojiro Motoyui,Toru Takeuchi,Koichi Kajiwara,Eiji Sato","Results of Recent E-Defense Tests on Full-Scale Steel Buildings Part 3 ? Experiments on Dampers and Frame Subassemblies",,""Proc. of Structures Congress 2008, ASCE"",,,,,2008,Apr. "Kaneko, K.,Kasai, K.,Motoyui, S.","Numerical Investigation of Beam-Column-Gusset Components in Value-Added Frames",,"Proc. of 5th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering",,,,"pp. 625-628",2008,Mar. "Kasai, K.,Ooki, Y.,Motoyui, S.,Takeuchi, T.,Kensaku Kaneko,Yu Azuma","Full-Scale Tests of Frame Subassemblies and Dampers to Be Used for E-Defense 5-Story Building Specimen",,"Proc. of 5th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering",,,,"pp. 601-606",2008,Mar. "元結 正次郎,金子 健作","繰返し軸力と2軸曲げを受ける鉄骨梁柱部材のひずみ硬化および塑性領域の拡がりを考慮した塑性論モデル",,"日本建築学会構造系論文集","一般社団法人日本建築学会","Vol. 73","No. 623","pp. 87-94",2008,Jan.