"YOSHISATO KIMURA","Ferrite and Spheroidized Cementite Ultrafine Microstructure Formation in an Fe - 0.67% C Steel for Railway Wheels under Simulated Service Conditions",,"Metal. Mater. Trans. A",,"Vol. 40","No. 12","pp. 2901-2908",2009,Dec. "Kazuyuki Handa,Yoshisato Kimura,Yoshinao Mishima","Ferrite and Spheroidized Cementite Ultra-Fine Grains Formation in Fe-0.67%C Railway Wheels Under Contact Stress and Frictional Heat","Proc. of The 17th Intnl. Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Eng. (IFHTSE) Congress 2008","Journal of The Japan Society for Heat Treatment","The Japan Soc. for Heat Treatment, Tokyo","Vol. 49 SI",,"pp. 157-160",2009,Sept. "Yoshisato Kimura,Hazuki Ueno,Yoshinao Mishima","Thermoelectric Properties of Directionally Solidified Half-Heusler (Ma0.5, Mb0.5)NiSn (Ma, Mb = Hf, Zr, Ti) Alloys",,"Journal of Electronic Material",,"Vol. 38","No. 7","pp. 934-939",2009,July "Yoshisato Kimura,Hazuki Ueno,Takahiro Kenjo,Chihiro Asami,Yoshinao Mishima","Phase Stability and Thermoelectric Properties of Half-Heusler (Ma, Mb)NiSn (Ma, Mb = Hf, Zr, Ti)","2008 MRS Fall Meeting","MRSSymp., Proc., Advanced Intermetallic-Based Alloys for Extreme Environment and Energy Applications","Mater. Res. Soc., Pittsburgh, PA, USA","Vol. 1128",,"pp. 15-20",2009,June "Yaw-Wang Chai,Tomonari Inamura,Hideki HOSODA,YOSHISATO KIMURA,YOSHINAO MISHIMA,shuichi miyazaki","The effects of aging on the microstructure of Ti-Au-Co shape mempry alloys","日本金属学会秋期大会(2009)","日本金属学会講演概要","社団法人 日本金属学会",,," 409",2009,June "Chihiro Asami,Yoshisato Kimura,Takuji Kita,Yoshinao Mishima","Diffusion Paths for the Formation of Half-Heusler Type Thermoelectric Compound TiNiSn","Boston, MA, USA","MRS Symp. Proc., Advanced Intermetallic-Based Alloys for Extreme Environment and Energy Applications","Mater. Res. Soc., Pittsburgh, PA, USA","Vol. 1128",,"pp. 179-184",2009,June "Andrey Belyakov,Kaneaki Tsuzaki,Yoshisato Kimura,Yoshinao Mishima","Tensile Behaviour of Submicrocrystalline Ferritic Steel Processed by Large-Strain Deformation",,"PHIL. MAG. LETT.",,"Vol. 89","No. 3","pp. 201-212",2009,Mar. "Seiji Miura,Yuki Murasato,Yoshihito Sekito,Yukiyoshi Tsutsumi,Kenji Ohkubo,Yoshisato Kimura,Yoshinao Mishima,Testuo Mohri","Effect of microstructure on the high-temperature deformation behavior of Nb-Si alloys",,"Mater. Sci. Eng. A",,"Vol. 510-511",,"pp. 317-321",2009, "Yoshihito Sekito,Seiji Miura,Kenji Ohkubo,Tetsuo Mohri,Norihito Sakaguchi,Seiichi Watanabe,Yoshisato Kimura,Yoshinao Mishima","Effect of Growth Rate on Microstructure and Microstructure Evolution of Directionally Solidified Nb-Si Alloys","2008 MRS Fall Meeting","MRS Symp. Proc., Vol. 1128, Advanced Intermetallic-Based Alloys for Extreme Environment and Energy Applications",,"Vol. 1128",,"pp. 281-286",2009, "Nobuaki Sekido,Seiji Miura,Yoko Yamabe-Mitarai,Yoshisato Kimura,Yoshinao Mishima","Deformation Behavior of Niobium Silicides during High Temperature Compression","2008 MRS Fall Meeting","MRS Symp. Proc., Advanced Intermetallic-Based Alloys for Extreme Environment and Energy Applications",,"Vol. 1128",," 413-418",2009,