"Noriki Amano,Takuo Watanabe","LEAD++: An Object-Oriented Reflective Language for Dynamically Adaptable Software Model",,"IEICE Transactions on Fundamental of Electronics, Communications and Computer Science","IEICE","Vol. E82-A","No. 6","pp. 1009-1016",1999,June "Kazuhiro Fujieda,Takuo Watanabe,Koichiro Ochimizu","CORBA Application Development Environment using Reflection","International Symposium on Future Software Technology (ISFST '99)",,,,,"pp. 149-154",1999, "Noriki Amano,Takuo Watanabe","LEAD++: An Object-Oriented Language based on a Reflective Model for Dynamic Software Adaptation",,"International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Asia '99), IEEE Press",,,,"pp. 41-50",1999, "田中哲,渡部卓雄","制御の流れを明示しない拡張可能な言語処理系記述",,"日本ソフトウェア科学会第16会大会論文集",,,,"pp. 261-264",1999, "Noriki Amano,Takuo Watanabe","An Approach for Constructing Dynamically Adaptable Component-based Software Systems using LEAD++",,"International Workshop on Object-Oriented Reflection and Software Engineering (OORaSE '99)",,,,"pp. 1-16",1999, "Akira Tanaka,Takuo Watanabe","An Extensible LR Parser Generator: A Case Study of Composable Metalevel Extensions",,"International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE '99)",,,,"pp. 84-88",1999, "Yutaka Saeki,Takuo Watanabe","Towards a Modular Construction Method of Extensible Compilers","International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE '99)",,,,,"pp. 79-83",1999, "Noriki Amano,Takuo Watanabe","Reflection for Dynamic Adaptability: A Linguistic Approach using LEAD++",,"Lecture Notes in Computer Science (International Conference on Meta-Level Architectures and Reflection)",,"Vol. 1616",,"pp. 138-140",1999,