"Y. Oeda,Y. Iijima,H. Taguchi,A. Ohkubo,K. Seio,M. Sekine","Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of 2 '-O-Aryluridine Derivatives",,"ORGANIC LETTERS",,"Vol. 11","No. 24","pp. 5582-5585",2009,Dec. "K. Seio,R. Tawarada,T. Sasami,M. Serizawa,M. Ise,A. Ohkubo,M. Sekine","Synthesis and hybridization of 2 '-O-methyl-RNAs incorporating 2 '-O-carbamoyluridine and unique participation of the carbamoyl group in U-G base pair",,"BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY",,"Vol. 17","No. 20","pp. 7275-7280",2009,Oct. "Seio Kohji,Miyazaki Kazuya,Kurohagi Sayako,Masaki Yoshiaki,Tsunoda Hirosuke,Ohkubo Akihiro,Sekine Mitsuo","Synthesis and properties of terminally modified oligonucleotides capable of short-RNA selective hybridization.",,"Nucleic acids symposium series (2004)",,,"No. 53","pp. 13-4",2009,Sept. "K. Yamada,H. Taguchi,A. Ohkubo,K. Seio,M. Sekine","Synthesis and properties of nucleoside derivatives acylated by chemically stable 2-(trimethylsilyl)benzoyl group",,"Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry",,"Vol. 17","No. 16","pp. 5928-5932",2009,Aug. "A. Ohkubo,K. Sasaki,Y. Noma,H. Tsunoda,K. Seio,M. Sekine","Efficient solid-phase synthesis of oligodeoxynucleotides having a 5 '-terminal 2,2,7-trimethylguanosine pyrophosphate linkage",,"BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY",,"Vol. 17","No. 13","pp. 4819-4824",2009,July "M. Mizuta,K. Seio,A. Ohkubo,M. Sekine","Fluorescence Properties of Pyrimidopyrimidoindole Nucleoside dC(PPI) Incorporated into Oligodeoxynucleotides",,"JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B",,"Vol. 113","No. 28","pp. 9562-9569",2009,July "A. Ohkubo,Y. Noma,K. Aoki,H. Tsunoda,K. Seio,M. Sekine","Introduction of 3 '-Terminal Nucleosides Having a Silyl-Type Linker into Polymer Supports without Base Protection",,"JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY",,"Vol. 74","No. 7","pp. 2817-2823",2009,Apr. "T. Sasami,R. Tawarada,A. Ohkubo,M. Sekine,K. Seio","Computational evaluation of the stability of 2 '-O-methyl-RNA/RNA duplexes incorporating 3-deazaguanine derivatives by ab initio calculations and a molecular dynamics simulation",,"JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM",,"Vol. 899","No. 1-3","pp. 54-60",2009,Apr. "I. Okamoto,S. Q. Cao,H. Tanaka,K. Seio,M. Sekine","Synthesis of 4-Thiopseudoisocytidine and 4-Thiopseudouridine as Components of Triplex-forming Oligonucleotides",,"CHEMISTRY LETTERS",,"Vol. 38","No. 2","pp. 174-175",2009,Feb. "T. Sasami,Y. Odawara,A. Ohkubo,M. Sekine,K. Seio","Synthesis of oligodeoxynucleotides incorporating 2-N-carbamoylguanine and evaluation of the hybridization properties",,"BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY",,"Vol. 17","No. 3","pp. 1398-1403",2009,Feb. "K. Miyata,R. Tamamushi,H. Tsunoda,A. Ohkubo,K. Seio,M. Sekine","Synthesis and Triplex Formation of Oligonucleotides Containing 8-Thioxodeoxyadenosine",,"Organic Letters",,"Vol. 11","No. 3","pp. 605-608",2009,Feb. "K. Seio,Y. Takaku,K. Miyazaki,S. Kurohagi,Y. Masaki,A. Ohkubo,M. Sekine","Synthesis of terminally modified oligonucleotides and their hybridization dependence on the size of the target RNAs",,"ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY",,"Vol. 7","No. 11","pp. 2440-2451",2009, "A. Ohkubo,R. Kasuya,K. Miyata,H. Tsunoda,K. Seio,M. Sekine","New thermolytic carbamoyl groups for the protection of nucleobases",,"ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY",,"Vol. 7","No. 4","pp. 687-694",2009, "R. Tawarada,K. Seio,M. Sekine","Mechanistic studies on oxidative condensation of a thymidine 3 '-H-phosphonate derivative with 3 '-O-acetylthymidine",,"Arkivoc",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 264-273",2009, "清尾康志","新規蛍光核酸",,"バイオ研究のフロンティア3:医療・診断をめざす先端バイオテクノロジー: 関根光雄 編","光学図書株式会社",,,,2009,