"奈良英樹,吉田尚弘 ","バイオマス燃焼より放出される低分子量炭化水素の炭素安定同位体比の時間変動 ",,"第20回有機地球化学シンポジウム講演要旨集 ",,,,"pp. 4",2002, "Westley, M. B.,J. W. Murray,H. Yamagishi,N. Yoshida,B. N. Popp ","Concentration and isotopic compositions of nitrous oxide in the Black Sea ",,"Eos Trans. ",,"Vol. 83","No. 4","pp. 304",2002, "Popp, B. N.,M. B. Westley,S. Toyoda,T. Miwa,J. E. Dore,N. Yoshida,T. M. Rust,F. J. Sansone ","Nitrogen and oxygen isotopomeric constraints on the origins and sea-to-air flux of N2O in the oligotrophic subtropical North Pacific Gyre ",,"Eos Trans. ",,"Vol. 83","No. 4","pp. 125-126",2002, "Tsurushima, N.,Y. Nojiri,K. Imai,N. Yoshida,U. Tsunogai,S. Watanabe","Subsurface methane production in the open ocean and its seasonal variation",,"Eos Trans.",,"Vol. 83","No. 4","pp. 5",2002, "栗田直幸,吉田尚弘,井上元 ","大陸水循環に対する降水の同位体比の応答-降水の同位体比から陸面過程情報を抜き出す- ",,"日本気象学会2002年度秋季大会講演予稿集 ",,,,"pp. 32",2002, "田中美聡,山田桂大,吉田尚弘 ","環境試料中酢酸の分子および分子内炭素同位体比分析法の確立 ",,"第20回有機地球化学シンポジウム講演要旨集 ",,,,"pp. 35",2002, "豊田 栄,中山裕介,吉田 尚弘 ","一酸化二窒素の光酸化反応におけるアイソトポマー分別 ",,"第8回大気科学討論会講演要旨集 ",,,,"pp. 11",2002, "植村立,山田桂大,吉田尚弘,栗田直幸 ","熱分解炉を用いた微量水試料の水素・酸素安定同位体比測定法 ",,"2002年度日本雪氷学会全国大会講演予稿集 ",,,,"pp. 79",2002, "中川書子,角皆潤,小松大祐,山口潤子,蒲生俊敬,山田桂大,尾崎洋子,小川 光輝,奈良英樹,吉田 尚弘,須藤重人,米村正一郎,鶴田治雄 ","バイオマス燃焼過程で生成する微量気体の同位体解析 ",,"日本地球化学会年会講演要旨集 ",,,,"pp. 54",2002, "徂徠正夫,石川正道,吉田 尚弘","窒素循環モデルを用いた対流圏N2Oアイソトポマーの窒素同位体収支の検討 ",,"日本地球化学会年会講演要旨集 ",,,,"pp. 69",2002, "豊田 栄,荒井 慎治,山本 誠一郎,小川 光輝,吉田 尚弘,秋山 賢一 ","自動車から排出される一酸化二窒素のアイソトポマー組成 ",,"日本地球化学会年会講演要旨集 ",,,,"pp. 69",2002, "R. Well,O. Mehranfar,S. Toyoda,N. Yoshida ","Field and laboratory studies of N2O turnover in the saturated zone of hydromorphic soils of Northwest Germany. I: N2O surface emission and vertical distribution of concentrations and isotopomer signatures ",,"Van Ham, Baede, Guicherit and Williams-Jacobse eds., Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases: Scientific Understanding, Control and Implimentation (Proceedings of Third International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases, 2002.1.21-23), Millpress, Rotterd","Van Ham, Baede, Guicherit and Williams-Jacobse eds., Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases: Scientific Understanding, Control and Implimentation (Proceedings of Third International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases, 2002.1.21-23), Millpress, Rotterd",,,"pp. 197-198",2002, "S. Toyoda,N. Yoshida,T. Miwa,Y. Matsui,H. Yamagishi,U. Tsunogai, Y,Nojiri,N. Tsurushima ","Production mechanism and global budget of N2O inferred from its isotopomers in the western North Pacific ",,"Geophysical Research Letters ",,"Vol. 29","No. 3","pp. 7-1-7-4",2002, "Yamada, K.,M. Tanaka,F. Nakagawa,N. Yoshida ","On-line measurement of intramolecular carbon isotope distribution of acetic acid by continuous-flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry ",,"Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry ",,"Vol. 16",,"pp. 1059-1064",2002, "Saito,T. U. Tsunogai,K. Kawamura,T. Nakatsuka,N. Yoshida ","Stable carbon isotopic compositions of light hydrocarbons over the western North Pacific and implication for their photochemical ages ",,"J. Geophys. Res. ",,"Vol. 107","No. D4","pp. 2-1-2-9",2002, "Morimoto, M.,O. Abe,H. Kayanne,N. Kurita,E. Matsumoto,N. Yoshida ","Salinity records for the 1997-98 El Nino from Western Pacific corals ",,"Geophys. Res. Lett. ",,"Vol. 29","No. 11","pp. 35-1-35-4",2002, "Yoshioka, T.,S. Ueda,T. Miyajima,E. Wada,N. Yoshida,A. Sugimoto,P. Vijarnsorn,S. Boonprakub ","Biogeochemical properties of a tropical swamp forest ecosystem in southern Thailand",,"Limnology ",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 51-59",2002, "吉田尚弘","地球温暖化ガスの新計測法開発と地球規模ネットワーク観測 ",,"蔵前工業会誌",,,"No. 961","pp. 29-33",2002, "Tsunogai, U.,N. Yoshida,T. Gamo ","Carbon isotopic evidence of methane oxidation through sulfate reduction in sediment beneath cold seep vents on the seafloor at Nankai Trough ",,"Marine Geology ",,"Vol. 187","No. 1","pp. 145-160",2002, "Takahashi,H, A.,E.Konohira,T. Hiyama,M. Minami,T. Nakamura,N. Yoshida ","Diurnal variation of CO2 concentration, D14C and d13C in an urban forest: Estimate of the anthropogenic and biogenic CO2 contributions ",,"Tellus - Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology ",,"Vol. 54","No. 2","pp. 97-109",2002, "Yamamoto, K.,N. Yoshida","High-precision isotopic ratio measurement system for methane (12CH3D/12CH4, 13CH4/12CH4) by using near-infrared diode laser absorption spectroscopy",,"Spectrochimica Acta Part A",,"Vol. 58",,"pp. 2699-2707",2002, "Toyoda, S.,N. Yoshida,T. Suzuki,K. Tsuji,K. Shibuya","Isotopomer fractionation during photolysis of nitrous oxide by ultraviolet of 206 to 210 nm",,"Study of Environmental Change using Isotope Techniques: Proceedings of the International Conference held in Vienna, 23-27 April 2001 organized by IAEA, UNESCO, and JST",,,,"pp. 355-363",2002, "T. Shiraiwa,S. Kohshima,R. Uemura,N. Yoshida,S. Matoba,J. Uetake,M. A. Godoi","High net accumulation rates at Campo de Hielo Patagonico Sur, South America, revealed by analysis of a 45.97m long ice core",,"Annals of Glaciology",,"Vol. 35",,"pp. 84-90",2002, "Popp, B. N.,M. B. Westley,S. Toyoda,T. Miwa,J. E. Dore,N. Yoshida,T. M. Rust,F. J. Sansone,M. E. Russ,N. E. Ostrom,P. H. Ostrom ","Nitrogen and oxygen isotopomeric constraints on the origins and sea-to-air flux of N2O in the oligotrophic subtropical North Pacific gyre ",,"Global Biogeochemical Cycles",,"Vol. 16",,"pp. 12.1-12.10",2002, "Nakazawa, T.,S. Aoki,K. Kawamura,T. Saeki,S. Sugawara,H. Honda,G. Hashida,S. Morimoto,N. Yoshida,S. Toyoda,Y. Makide,T. Shirai","Variations of stratospheric trace gases measured using balloon-borne cryogenic sampler",,"Advances in Space Researh",,"Vol. 30","No. 5","pp. 1349-1357",2002, "鶴島修夫,野尻幸宏,今井圭理,吉田尚弘,角皆潤,渡邉修一 ","外洋域亜表層におけるメタン生成 ",,"2002年度日本海洋学会春季大会講演要旨集 ",,,,"pp. 32",2002, "Nakagawa, F.,N. Yoshida,A. Sugimoto,E. Wada,T. Yoshioka,S. Ueda,P. Vijarnsorn ","Stable isotope and radiocarbon compositions of methane emitted from tropical rice paddies and swamps in Southern Thailand ",,"Biogeochemistry ",,"Vol. 61",,"pp. 1-19",2002, "吉田尚弘","アイソトポマーによる環境物質サイクルの化学的解析",,"日本化学会編21世紀の化学の潮流を探るNo.13環境ケミカルサイエンス","日本化学会編21世紀の化学の潮流を探るNo.13環境ケミカルサイエンス",,,"pp. 19-24",2002, "吉田尚弘","国際水文学計画(IHP)研修コース「第11回水文学における水素・酸素同位体の利用」を開催 ",,"地球水循環研究センターニュース ",,,"No. 1","pp. 3-4",2002, "Takahashi,Hiroshi A.,Eiichi Konohira,Tetsuya Hiyama,Toshio Nakamura,Naohiro Yoshida ","Seasonal Variations of Concentration and δ13C in Soil Air CO2 and Soil Respired CO2 ",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ",,,,"pp. 331-336",2002, "Nakagawa,Fumiko,Urumu Tsunogai,Toshitaka Gamo,Naohiro Yoshida ","Stable Isotopic Studies of Carbon Monoxide in Seawater ",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ",,,,"pp. 283-284",2002, "Sorai,Masao,Masamichi Ishikawa,Naohiro Yoshida ","Geochemical Cycle of Nitrous Oxide in the Atmosphere-Ocean-Land System Based on the Nitrogen Stable Isotope Ratios ",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ",,,,"pp. 271-274",2002, "Matsui,Yohei,Giovanni Bidoglio,Fabrizio Sena,Tatsuya Miwa,Takeshi Egashira,Sakae Toyoda,Naohiro Yoshida ","Distribution of Dissolved N2O Isotopomers in the Coastal Adriatic Sea and the Goro Lagoon, Northern East Italy ",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ",,,,"pp. 263-270",2002, "Abe,Osamu,Naohiro Yoshida ","Partial Pressure Dependency of Isotope Ratio of Oxygen Molecule in Mass Spectrometry ",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ",,,,"pp. 228-236",2002, "Ogawa,Mitsuteru,Naohiro Yoshida ","Isotopomer Compositions of Nitrous Oxide with Adipic Acid Production ",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ",,,,"pp. 215-220",2002, "Ogawa,Mitsuteru,Naohiro Yoshida ","Analysis of Isotopomer Compositions of Nitrous Oxide from Combustion Source ",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ",,,,"pp. 210-214",2002, "Urabe,Taichiro,Sakae Toyoda,Naohiro Yoshida,Takakiyo Nakazawa,Shuji Aoki,Hideyuki Honda ","A Study on the Loss Processes of N2O in the Stratosphere by Isotopomer Analysis ",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ",,,,"pp. 206-209",2002, "Yamagishi,Hiroaki,Tatsuya Miwa,Sakae Toyoda,Urumu Tsunogai,Naohiro Yoshida ","A Method for the Measurement of Dissolved Nitrous Oxide Isotopomers in Natural Waters ",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ",,,,"pp. 193-197",2002, "Tanaka,Misato,Keita Yamada,Fumiko Nakagawa,Naohiro Yoshida ","Determination of Intramolecular Carbon Isotopic Composition of Acetic Acid at Nanomolar Levels Using CF-IRMS ",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ",,,,"pp. 190-192",2002, "Yamamoto,Kazushige,Kiyoji Uehara,Tomoyuki Kikugawa,Naohiro Yoshida ","δD Analysis of Methane by Absorption Spectroscopy ",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ",,,,"pp. 182-186",2002, "Toyoda, S.,Naohiro Yoshida,Tatsuya Miwa,Yohei Matsui,Urumu Tsunogai,Yukihiro Nojiri,Nobuo Tsurushima ","Vertical Distribution of Dissolved N2O Isotopomers in the North Pacific ",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ",,,,"pp. 176-181",2002, "Yamada, K.,Yoko Ozaki,Fumiko Nakagawa,Naohiro Yoshida,Haruo Tsuruta,Shigeto Sudo,Claude Guillou,Giovanni Bidoglio ","Measurements of the D/H Ratio of CH4 by GC/TC/IRMS ",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ",,,,"pp. 112-116",2002, "Sowers T.,Amy Rodebaugh,Naohiro Yoshida,Sakae Toyoda ","Extending Records of the Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric N2O Back to 1900 A.D. from Air Trapped in Snow at South Pole ",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ",,,,"pp. 54-61",2002, "Uehara, K.,Kazushige Yamamoto,Tomoyuki Kikugawa,Naohiro Yoshida ","Site-Specified Nitrogen Isotopic Ratio Measurements of Nitrous Oxide Using a Diode Laser Absorption Spectrometer ",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ",,,,"pp. 23-25",2002, "Baba, T.,H. Nagano,I. Waki,K. Kimura,M. Sakairi,H. Koizimi,Y. Kato,T. Mimura,Y. Taguchi,N. Minakawa,N. Yoshida ","High Resolution Mass Spectrometer for Isotopomer Analysis ",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ",,,,"pp. 9-14",2002, "NAOHIRO YOSHIDA","Isotopomers as a Frontier of Isotope Studies ",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ",,,,"pp. 1-3",2002, "NAOHIRO YOSHIDA","Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ","Yoshida, N. Ed., Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers ",,,,2002, "O. Abe,S. Toyoda,K. Yamada,N. Kurita,S. Hashimoto,R. Uemura,N. Yoshida ","Chapter 13. Methods of sampling, measurement and data processing for hydrogen and oxygen isotopic composition in rainwater ",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Hydrology, HyARC, Nagoya U. and UNESCO ","Yoshida, N. Ed., Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Hydrology, HyARC, Nagoya U. and UNESCO ",,,"pp. 13-1-13-24",2002, "NAOHIRO YOSHIDA","Chapter 1. Fundamentals of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in hydrology",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Hydrology, HyARC, Nagoya U. and UNESCO","Yoshida, N. Ed., Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Hydrology, HyARC, Nagoya U. and UNESCO",,,"pp. 1-1-1-8",2002, "吉田尚弘","アイソトポマーで見る地球温暖化ガスのサイクル ",,"第7回基礎研究報告会要旨集",,,,"pp. 1-8",2002, "吉田尚弘","アイソトポマーの計測による環境物質の起源推定 ",,"戦略的基礎研究推進事業平成8年度採択研究課題終了報告書 ",,,,"pp. 419-491",2002, "Nakagawa, F.,U. Tsunogai,T. Gamo,N. Yoshida ","Stable isotopic comspositions and fractionations of carbon monoxide in seawater ",,"Eos Trans. ",,"Vol. 83","No. 4","pp. 331",2002, "Yamagishi, H.,M. B. Westley,S. Toyoda,B. N. Popp,N. Yoshida ","Isotopomer compositions of nitrous oxide in the eastern tropical North Pacific ",,"Eos Trans. ",,"Vol. 83","No. 4","pp. 305",2002, "Nakagawa, F.,Yoshida, N.,Sugimoto, A.,Wada, E.,Yoshioka, T.,Ueda, S.,Vijarnsorn, P.","Stable isotope and radiocarbon compositions of methane emitted from tropical rice paddies and swamps in Southern Thailand",,"Biogeochemistry",,"Vol. 61","No. 1","pp. 1-19",2002, "Saito, T.,Tsunogai, U.,Kawamura, K.,Nakatsuka, T.,Yoshida, N.","Stable carbon isotopic compositions of light hydrocarbons over the western North Pacific and implication for their photochemical ages",,"Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres",,"Vol. 107","No. D4",,2002, "Morimoto, M.,Abe, O.,Kayanne, H.,Kurita, N.,Matsumoto, E.,Yoshida, N.","Salinity records for the 1997-98 El Nino from Western Pacific corals",,"Geophysical Research Letters",,"Vol. 29","No. 11",,2002, "Nakagawa, F.,Yoshida, N.,Nojiri, Y.,Makarov, V. N.","Production of methane from alassesin eastern Siberia: Implications from its C-14 and stable isotopic compositions",,"Global Biogeochemical Cycles",,"Vol. 16","No. 3",,2002, "Toyoda, S.,Yoshida, N.,Miwa, T.,Matsui, Y.,Yamagishi, H.,Tsunogai, U.,Nojiri, Y.,Tsurushima, N.","Production mechanism and global budget of N2O inferred from its isotopomers in the western North Pacific",,"Geophysical Research Letters",,"Vol. 29","No. 3",,2002, "Yamada, K.,Tanaka, M.,Nakagawa, F.,Yoshida, N.","On-line measurement of intramolecular carbon isotope distribution of acetic acid by continuous-flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry",,"Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry",,"Vol. 16","No. 11","pp. 1059-1064",2002, "Popp, B. N.,Westley, M. B.,Toyoda, S.,Miwa, T.,Dore, J. E.,Yoshida, N.,Rust, T. M.,Sansone, F. J.,Russ, M. E.,Ostrom, N. E.,Ostrom, P. H.,Westley, M. B.","Nitrogen and oxygen isotopomeric constraints on the origins and sea-to-air flux of N2O in the oligotrophic subtropical North Pacific gyre",,"Global Biogeochemical Cycles",,"Vol. 16","No. 4",,2002, "Yamamoto, K.,Yoshida, N.","High-precision isotopic ratio measurement system for methane ((CH3D)-C-12/(CH4)-C-12, (CH4)-C-13/(CH4)-C-12) by using near-infrared diode laser absorption spectroscopy",,"Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy",,"Vol. 58","No. 12","pp. 2699-2707",2002, "Shiraiwa, T.,Kohshima, S.,Uemura, R.,Yoshida, N.,Matoba, S.,Uetake, J.,Godoi, M. A.","High net accumulation rates at Campo de Hielo Patagonico Sur, South America, revealed by analysis of a 45.97 m long ice core",,"Annals of Glaciology, Vol 35",,"Vol. 35",,"pp. 84-90",2002, "Sowers, T.,Rodebaugh, A.,Yoshida, N.,Toyoda, S.","Extending records of the isotopic composition of atmospheric N2O back to 1800 AD from air trapped in snow at the South Pole and the Greenland Ice Sheet Project II ice core",,"Global Biogeochemical Cycles",,"Vol. 16","No. 4",,2002, "Takahashi, H. A.,Konohira, E.,Hiyama, T.,Minami, M.,Nakamura, T.,Yoshida, N.,Konohira, E.","Diurnal variation of CO2 concentration, Delta C-14 and delta C-13 in an urban forest: estimate of the anthropogenic and biogenic CO2 contributions",,"Tellus Series B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology",,"Vol. 54","No. 2","pp. 97-109",2002, "Tsunogai, U.,Yoshida, N.,Gamo, T.","Carbon isotopic evidence of methane oxidation through sulfate reduction in sediment beneath cold seep vents on the seafloor at Nankai Trough",,"Marine Geology",,"Vol. 187","No. 1-2","pp. 145-160",2002, "Nakagawa Fumiko,Yoshida Naohiro,Nojiri Yukihiro,Makarov VladimirN.","Production of methane from alasses in eastern Siberia: Implications from its 14C and stable isotopic compositions ",,"Global Biogeochemical Cycles ",,"Vol. 16",,"pp. 14.1-14.15",2002, "渡邉修一,小川浩史,浜中純子,笠松伸江,吉田尚弘,吉田磨 ","2002年氷縁域における栄養塩、溶存気体の分布 ",,"第25回極域生物シンポジウム講演要旨集 ",,,,"pp. 12",2002, "NAOHIRO YOSHIDA","Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Hydrology",,"Yoshida, N. Ed., Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Hydrology, HyARC, Nagoya U. and UNESCO","Yoshida, N. Ed., UNESCO",,,"pp. 291",2002, "吉田尚弘","温室効果気体、秋元肇他編「対流圏大気の化学と地球環境」",,"学会出版センター","学会出版センター",,,"pp. 45-55",2002, "Sowers Todd,Rodebaugh Amy,Yoshida Naohiro,Toyoda Sakae","Extending records of the isotopic composition of atmospheric N2O back to 1800 A.D. from air trapped in snow at the South Pole and the Greenland Ice Sheet Project II ice core",,"Global Biogeochemical Cycles ",,"Vol. 16",,"pp. 76.1-76.10",2002, "O.Abe,S.Toyoda,K. Yamada,N. Kurita,S. Hashimoto,R. Uemura,NAOHIRO YOSHIDA","Methods of sampling, measurements and data acquisition for hydrogen and oxygen isotopic composition in rainwater",,"Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in hydrology (The textbook for the eleventh IHP training course in 2001)","Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in hydrology (The textbook for the eleventh IHP training course in 2001)",,,"pp. 237-264",2002, "Nakazawa, T.,Aoki, S.,Kawamura, K.,Saeki, T.,Sugawara, S.,Honda, H.,Hashida, G.,Morimoto, S.,Yoshida, N.,Toyoda, S.,Makide, Y.,Shirai, T.","Variations of stratospheric trace gases measured using a balloon-borne cryogenic sampler",,"Scientific Ballooning in the Next Century: Goals and Challenges",,"Vol. 30",,"pp. 1349-1357",2002, "Watanabe,Shuichi,N. Kasamatsu,S. Kawaguchi,J. Nishikawa,T. Shiotani,N. Yoshida,O. Yoshida","Formation processes of gases related to the global warming",,"2002 SCORE-JOS Joint Assembly in Sapporo:JOS 2002 Fall Meeting, SCOR-JOS International Symposium and 26th SCOR General Meeting Abstracts ",,,,"pp. 442",2002,