"K.Takeshita,Shiro Matsumoto,Jiro Koga,Yoichi Takashima","Development of CMP-impregnated Solid Extractant for TRU Removal From Radioactive Liguid Wastes(‹¤’˜)","International Chemical Engineering Symposium","I. Chem. E. Symp. Ser.",,"Vol. 119",,"pp. 95",1990,Jan. "A.Kitamoto,K.Takeshita","A Two Step Model for Advanced Separation of „°D113„²D1C by the Chemical Exchange Method between CO„°D22„²D2 and Amine in a Nonagueons Solvent(‹¤’˜)",,"Proc. of the International Symposium of Isotope Separation and Chemical Exchange Uranium Enrichment",,,,"pp. 376",1990,