"渡邊澄夫","数学と統計科学",,"統計科学のフロンティア 岩波書店","統計科学のフロンティア 岩波書店","Vol. 3",,,2004, "渡邊澄夫","学習理論と数学的自然",,"数学のたのしみ 日本評論社","数学のたのしみ 日本評論社",,,"pp. 100-112",2004, "渡邊澄夫","人工知能と特異な学習モデル",,"人工知能学会誌",,"Vol. 19","No. 6","pp. 637-641",2004, "Shin-ichi Nakajima Sumio Watanabe","Simulation Data Generation from Extended EGA Model and Optimization of Alignment Strategy for Lithography",,"Proceedings of International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications,",,,,"pp. CD-ROM",2004, "Keisuke Yamazaki Sumio Watanabe","Stochastic Complexity and Newton Diagram",,"International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications",,,,"pp. CD-ROM",2004, "Kazuho Watanabe Sumio Watanabe","Learning method of the data region based on extreme-value theory",,"Proceedings of International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications",,,,"pp. CD-ROM",2004, "Kazuho Watanabe Sumio Watanabe","Lower bounds of stochastic complexities in variational bayes learning of gaussian mixture models",,"Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems",,,,"pp. 99-104",2004, "Kazuho Watanabe Sumio Watanabe","Estimation of the Data region using Extreme-value distributions",,"Lecture Notes in Computer Science","Lecture Notes in Computer Science",,,"pp. 206-220",2004, "Miki Aoyagi Sumio Watanabe","The generalization error of reduced rank regression in Bayesian estimation",,"International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications",,,,"pp. CD-ROM",2004,