"Seon Tae Kim,Hiroki Takasu,Yukitaka Kato","Advances in Thermal Energy Storage Systems (Second Edition)",,"Advances in Thermal Energy Storage Systems (Second Edition)",,,,,2020,Oct. "Shigehiko Funayama,Hiroki Takasu,KimSeon tae,YUKITAKA KATO","Thermochemical storage performance of a packed bed of calcium hydroxide composite with a silicon-based ceramic honeycomb support",,"Energy",,"Vol. 201",,"pp. 117673",2020,June "金子 純子,吉田 咲紀,?須 大輝,加藤 之貴","中温排熱の有効利用を目的とした化学蓄熱材料の開発","第57回日本伝熱シンポジウム",,,,,,2020,June "金子 純子,吉田 咲紀,?須 大輝,加藤 之貴","化学蓄熱を目的とした塩化マグネシウム/アンモニア系の反応性向上","化学工学会 第85年会",,,,,,2020,Mar. "Hiroki Takasu,Yuko Maruyama,YUKITAKA KATO","Development of Metal Supported SOEC for Carbon Recycling Iron Making System",,"ISIJ International",,"Vol. 60","No. 12","pp. 2870-2875",2020,