"Jeffrey Scott Cross,Farid Triawan","Development of a Mechanical Engineering Test Item Bank to Promote Learning Outcomes Based Education in Japanese and Indonesian Higher Education Institutions",,"Tuning Journal of Higher Education",,"vol. 5","No. 1","pp. 41-73",2017,Nov. "Norio Saito,Pierric Lemoine,Stephane Cordier,Takeo Ohsawa,Yoshiki Wada,Fabien Grasset,Jeffrey Scott Cross,Naoki Ohashi","Simulation of crystal and electronic structures of octahedral molybdenum cluster complex compound Cs2[Mo6Cl14] using various DFT functionals",,"Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan",,"Vol. 125","No. 10","pp. 753-759",2017,Oct. "Norio Saito,Jeffrey Scott Cross,Naoki OHASHI","Solvent-mediated purification of hexa-molybdenum cluster halide, Cs2[Mo6Cl14] for enhanced optical properties",,,,"Vol. 125","No. 40","Page 6028-6038",2017,Sept. "立木瞳,森秀樹,クロス ジェフリー スコット","MOOC におけるキャラクターを活用した教材開発の試み",,"日本教育工学会第33回全国大会講演論文集",,,,"pp. 707-708",2017,Sept. "斎藤典生,ルモワンヌピエリック,コーディエステファン,和田芳樹,大澤健男,グラッセファビアン,クロス ジェフリー スコット,大橋直樹","八面体型モリブデンクラスター化合物の結晶構造と光電子機能の探索","日本セラミックス協会第30回秋季シンポジウム",,,,,,2017,Sept. "Jeffrey Scott Cross","Assessing Competencies of Mechanical Engineering students in Japan and Inodnesia","5th UK-Japan Engineering Education League Workshop",,,,,,2017,Sept. "KEERATIVORANAN Nopphon,MA'RUF,Muhammad Amar.,Saya GOTO,CROSS","Development of Open edX Course Content Modification Tool for English-to-Japanese Text Replacement","Japan Society for Educational Technology","会講演論文集",,,,,2017,Sept. "Norio Saito,Pierric Lemoine,Stephane Cordier,Yoshiki Wada,Takeo Ohsawa,Fabien Grasset,Jeffrey Scott Cross,Naoki Ohashi","Optical properties of Cs2[Mo6Xi8Xa6] (X = Cl, Br, I) - Part I: Properties of Xi and Xa substituted compounds -","The 10th International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC-10)",,,,,,2017,Aug. "Norio Saito,Pierric Lemoine,Stephane Cordier,Yoshiki Wada,Takeo Ohsawa,Fabien Grasset,Jeffrey Scott Cross,Naoki Ohashi","Intercalation of volatile organic compound molecules into metal-cluster-complex-based Cs2[Mo6Cl14] compound","The 10th International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC-10)",,,,,,2017,Aug. "Norio Saito,Pierric Lemoine,Stephane Cordier,Yoshiki Wada,Takeo Ohsawa,Fabien Grasset,Jeffrey Scott Cross,Naoki Ohashi","Optical properties of Cs2[Mo6Xi8Xa6] (X = Cl, Br, I) - Part II: Properties of Xi and Xa substituted compounds -","The 10th International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC-10)",,,,,,2017,Aug. "Norio Saito,Stephane Cordier,Pierric Lemoine,Takeo Ohsawa,Yoshiki Wada,Fabien Grasset,Jeffrey Scott Cross,Naoki Ohashi","Lattice and Valence Electronic Structures of Crystalline Octahedral Molybdenum Halide Clusters-Based Compounds, Cs2[Mo6X14] (X = Cl, Br, I), Studied by Density Functional Theory Calculations",,"Inorganic Chemistry",,"Vol. 56","No. 10","pp. 6234?6243",2017,June "Michael Behrens,Jeffrey S. Cross,Hiroki Akasaka,Naoto Ohtake","A study of guaiacol, cellulose, and Hinoki wood pyrolysis with silica, ZrO2&TiO2 and ZSM-5 catalysts",,"Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis","Elsevier","Vol. 125",,"pp. 178-184",2017,Apr. "田澤浩二,森秀樹,Cross Jeffrey Scott,中田和秀","時系列ニューラルネットワークを用いたMOOC受講者の離脱要因分析",,"日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会アブストラクト集",," 2017",,"pp. 167‐168",2017,Mar. "Behrens M.A.,Akasaka H.,Ohtake N.,Cross J.S.","Cellulose Pyrolysis Catalyzed using [bmim][BF4] and [bmim][TFSI] Ionic Liquids Supported on Silica and ZrO2&TiO2","Sustainable Energy and Environmental Sciences","Sustainable Energy and Environmental Sciences",,"Vol. 6",,"pp. 58-65",2017,Mar. "Norio Saito,Pierric Lemoine,Stephane Cordier,Yoshiki Wada,Takeo Ohsawa,Fabien Grasset,Jeffrey Scott Cross,Naoki Ohashi","Characterization, and Optoelectronic Study of Hexa-Molybdenum Cluster Complex Compounds: Cs2[Mo6Xi8Xa6]","第55回セラミックス基礎科学討論会",,,,,,2017,Jan. "Michael Behrens,Hiroki Akasaka,NAOTO OHTAKE,Jeffrey Scott Cross","Design of Experiment and Upgrading of Pyrolysis Vapors Using ZrO2-TiO2, ZSM-5, and Silica Catalysts",,"Journal of Materials and Environmental Science",,"Vol. 8","No. 5","Page 1617-1625",2017,Jan. "Jeffrey Scott Cross,Michael Behrens,Hlaing Hlaing Myint","Prolysis of Wood to Bio-oil and Dissolution Model of Milled Rice Straw using Ionic Liquids","The 55th Symposium on Basic Science of Ceramics","Abstract Book",,,,"Page 110",2017,Jan.