"渡邉俊介,守屋翔平,関口悠,沖野晃俊,佐藤千明","繊維強化ポリプロピレンの接着接合部の破壊強度に及ぼす大気圧低温プラズマ処理の影響","一般社団法人 日本機械学会 M&M2018 材料力学カンファレンス","一般社団法人 日本機械学会 M&M2018 材料力学カンファレンス 講演論文集","一般社団法人 日本機械学会 材料力学部門",,"No. 18-53","pp. OS02 67-69",2018,Dec. "阿部徳秀,関口悠,佐藤千明","弾塑性有限要素解析における高じん性接着剤材料モデルのパラメータ同定",,"日本接着学会誌","一般社団法人 日本接着学会","Vol. 54","No. 10","pp. 358-366",2018,Oct. "Chiaki Sato,Asuka Hayashi,Yu Sekiguchi","Impact deformation of adhesive layer measured with tensile split-hopkinson bar apparatus","12th European Adhesion Conference (EURADH2018)","Book of abstracts of the 12th European Adhesion Conference (EURADH2018)",,,,"p. 200",2018,Sept. "Nei Ga,Chiaki Sato,Yu Sekiguchi","Thermal deformation of dissimilar materials bonded adhesively","12th European Adhesion Conference (EURADH2018)","Book of abstracts of the 12th European Adhesion Conference (EURADH2018)",,,,"p. 145",2018,Sept. "Asuka Hayashi,Yu Sekiguchi,Chiaki Sato","Observation of phase separation structure in adhesive","12th European Adhesion Conference (EURADH2018)","Book of abstracts of the 12th European Adhesion Conference (EURADH2018)",,,,"pp. 136-137",2018,Sept. "林明日香,関口悠,佐藤千明","温度が第二世代アクリル系接着剤のモードI破壊エネルギーに及ぼす影響","日本接着学会第56回年次大会","日本接着学会第56回年次大会 講演要旨集","一般社団法人 日本接着学会",,," P03A",2018,June "関口悠,佐藤千明","Winkler foundationモデルを利用したDCB試験におけるひずみ速度の解析的検討","日本接着学会第56回年次大会","日本接着学会第56回年次大会 講演要旨集","一般社団法人 日本接着学会",,,"pp. 59-60",2018,June "Asuka Hayashi,Yu Sekiguchi,Chiaki Sato","An experimental evaluation of Mode I fracture energy of adhesive joint by DCB test","6th World Congress on Adhesion and Related Phenomena (WCARP), in conjunction with 41th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society",,,,,,2018,Feb. "Katsuo Komatsu,Yu Sekiguchi,Chiaki Sato","Mode I energy release rate measurement for low bending stiffness adherend bonded with a high toughened adhesive","6th World Congress on Adhesion and Related Phenomena (WCARP), in conjunction with 41th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society",,,,,,2018,Feb. "Norihide Abe,Yu Sekiguchi,Chiaki Sato","Deformation of constitutive equation of an adhesive for car body structure","6th World Congress on Adhesion and Related Phenomena (WCARP), in conjunction with 41th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society",,,,,,2018,Feb.