"H. Kanaya,H. Shibayama,R. Sogabe,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Fundamental Oscillation up to 1.31 THz in Resonant Tunneling Diodes with Thin Well and Barriers",,"Appl. Phys. Express",,"vol. 5","no. 12","p. 124101",2012,Dec. "金谷 英敏,曽我部 陸,鈴木左文,浅田 雅洋","量子井戸の薄層化と深化による共鳴トンネルダイオードのテラヘルツ発振周波数上昇 (電子デバイス)",,"電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 : 信学技報","一般社団法人電子情報通信学会","Vol. 112","No. 364","pp. 63-67",2012,Dec. "鈴木左文,鏑木新治,金谷英敏,浅田雅洋","共鳴トンネルダイオードのテラヘルツ発振とレーザー光照射による出力の変調",,"レーザー研究",,"vol. 40","no. 7","p. 517-522",2012,July "K. Ishigaki,M. Shiraishi,S. Suzuki,M. Asada,N. Nishiyama,S. Arai","Direct intensity modulation and wireless data transmission characteristics of terahertz-oscillating resonant tunnelling diodes",,"Electron. Lett.",,"vol. 48","no. 10","pp. 582-583",2012,May "H. Shibayama,S. Suzuki,M. Shiraishi,M. Asada","Dependence of Output Power on Slot Antenna Width in Terahertz Oscillating Resonant Tunneling Diodes",,"J. Infrared Milli. Terahz. Waves",,"vol. 33","no. 5","pp. 475-478",2012,May "A. Teranishi,K. Shizuno,S. Suzuki,M. Asada,H. Sugiyama,H. Yokoyama","Fundamental Oscillation up to 1.08 THz in Resonant Tunneling Diodes with High-Indium Composition Transit Layers for Reduction of Transit Delay",,"IEICE Electron. Express",,"vol. 9","no. 5","pp. 385-390",2012,Mar. "A. Teranishi,S. Suzuki,K. Shizuno,M. Asada,H. Sugiyama,H. Yokoyama","Estimation of Transit time in Terahertz Oscillating Resonant Tunneling Diodes with Graded Emitter and Thin Barriers",,"Trans. Electron. IEICE of Japan",,"vol. E95-C","no. 3","pp. 401-407",2012,Mar. "Kanaya, H.,Shibayama, H.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Fundamental oscillation up to 1.31 THz in thin-well resonant tunneling diodes",,"Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials",,,,"pp. 106-109",2012,