"徳永万喜洋,伊藤由馬","全反射照明蛍光顕微鏡 ― 対物レンズ型",,"“生きてるものは全部観る! イメージングの選び方・使い方100+”, 実験医学2018年12月増刊号","羊土社","Vol. 36","No. 20","p. 36-38",2018,Dec. "Lim Wei Ming,Ito Y,Sakata-Sogawa K,Tokunaga M","CLIP-170 is essential for MTOC repositioning during T cell activation by regulating dynein localisation on the cell surface",,"Scientific Reports",,"Vol. 8","No. 1","p. 17447",2018,Nov. "Shuntaro Sato,Yuma Ito,Yuko Sato,Hiroshi Kimura,Makio Tokunaga","Single-molecule imaging of post-translational modification using genetically encoded antibody probe.","The 56th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan",,,,,,2018,Sept. "伊藤 由馬,十川 久美子,徳永 万喜洋","蛍光1分子イメージングにおける動態解析法の開発と核内タンパク質挙動の定量解析","シンポジウム「クロマチンの動態と調節を新技術で捉える試み」, 第91回日本生化学会大会",,,,,,2018,Sept. "Wei Ming Lim,Yuma Ito,Kumiko Sakata-Sogawa,Makio Tokunaga","CLIP-170 is essential for MTOC repositioning during T cell activation by recruiting proteins to the plus-end tracking on the cell surface","The 56th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan",,,,,,2018,Sept. "伊藤由馬,徳永万喜洋","生細胞1分子イメージングによるクロマチン動態の定量解析","科研費新学術領域「クロマチン潜在能」第1回班会議",,,,,,2018,Sept. "Takahiro Maeda,Yuma Ito,Shin-Ya Isobe,Chikashi Obuse,Makio Tokunaga","Dynamics of Heterochromatin protein 1α in living cells using single-molecule imaging.","The 56th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan",,,,,,2018,Sept. "Yuma Ito,Takahiro Maeda,Kumiko Sakata-Sogawa,Masaaki Shiina,Makio Tokunaga","Dimerization dependent single-molecule dynamics of MafG transcription factor in living cell","The 56th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan",,,,,,2018,Sept. "徳永万喜洋,十川久美子","全反射照明蛍光顕微鏡",,"第4版 現代界面コロイド化学の基礎",,,"No. 8","pp. 433-436",2018,May