"Nobuyuki Uchikoga,Yuri Matsuzaki","Analysis of amino acid sequences of protein interaction surfaces by rigid-body docking for known and unknown protein complex pairs.",,,,,,,2018,Sept. "Masahito Ohue,Takanori Hayashi,Hiroki Watanabe,Yuri Matsuzaki,Nobuyuki Uchikoga,Yutaka Akiyama","Supercomputing-based exhaustive protein-protein interaction prediction and its open database.","The 56th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan",,,,,,2018,Sept. "Hayashi T,Matsuzaki Y,Yanagisawa K,Ohue M,Akiyama Y.","MEGADOCK-Web: an integrated database of high-throughput structure-based protein-protein interaction predictions",,"BMC Bioinformatics (In Proc. APBC2018)",," 19"," (Suppl 4)"," 62",2018,May