"Shoichi Fujimori,Yu Kawakami,Masatoshi Kokubu,Wayne Rossman,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Zero mean curvatrue entire graphs of mixed type in Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space",,"The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics",,"Volume 67","No. 4","pp. 801-837",2016,Dec. "Kosuke Naokawa,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Isometric deformations of cuspidal edges",,"Tohoku Math. J.",,"Vol. 68","No. 1","pp. 73-90",2016,Mar. "Kotaro Yamada","Analytic Extensions of spacelike maximal surfaces in MInkowski 3-space to timelike surfaces","Singuilarities in Generic Geometry and applications",,,,,,2016, "Kotaro Yamada","Analytic Extensions of spacelike maximal surfaces in MInkowski 3-space to timelike surfaces","Geometric Analysis in Geometry and Topology 2015 (GAGT 2015)",,,,,,2016, "Martins, L.F.,Saji, K.,Umehara, M.,Kotaro Yamada","Behavior of gaussian curvature and mean curvature near non-degenerate singular points on wave fronts",,"Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics",,"Vol. 154",,"pp. 247-281",2016,