"Varquez, A.C.G.,Kanda, M.","Global Urban Climatology Framework: New Perspective and Highlights","American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019",,,,,,2019,Dec. "Darmanto, N.S.,Varquez, A.C.G.,Kawano, N.,Kanda, M.","Future urban climate projection in a tropical megacity based on global climate change and local urbanization scenarios",,"International Journal of Urban Climate",,"Vol. 29",,,2019,Sept. "成田 悠理,Alvin C.G. VARQUEZ,仲吉 信人,神田 学","グローバルな都市気候解析のための 都市化前土地利用データベースの構築",,"土木学会論文集B1(水工学)","公益社団法人 日本土木学会","Vol. 75","No. 2","pp. I1039-I1044",2019,Aug. "Asami, M.,Nakayoshi, M.,Varquez, A.C.G.,Kanda, M.","Mechanism of the urban heat island considering geography and background climate",,"Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers. Ser. B1, Hydraulic engineering","Japan Society of Civil Engineers","Vol. 75","No. 2","pp. I37-I42",2019,Aug. "Zhou, Y.,Varquez, A.C.G.,Kanda, M.","High-resolution global urban growth projection based on multiple applications of the SLEUTH urban growth model.",,"Scientific Data",,"Vol. 6","Number 34",,2019,Apr. "桑山 忠弘,山口 和貴,岡田 和樹,亀卦川 幸浩,神田 学,Alvin Christopher Galang Varquez,Nisrina Setyo Darmanto,Prihadi Setyo Darmanto,井原 智彦","エアコンによる睡眠困難および疲労の障害調整生存年(DALY)の軽減効果-インドネシア・ジャカルタにおける評価-",,"Journal of Life Cycle Assessment Japan",,"Vol. 15","No. 1","pp. 2-9",2019,Jan.