"Masahiro Makino,Tomohide Takeyama,Masaki Kitazume","Laboratory tests on the influence of soil disturbance on the material properties of cement-treated soil","9th International Symposium on Lowland Technology","Proc. of the 9th International Symposium on Lowland Technology",,,,"pp. 150-155",2014,Oct. "Tomohiro Tsuyoshi,Tomohide Takeyama,Masaki Kitazume","Laboratory model tests of the effect of decrease in permeability of vertical drain on consolidation behavior","9th International Symposium on Lowland Technology","Proc. of the 9th International Symposium on Lowland Technology",,,,"pp. 156-162",2014,Oct. "Hoang-Hung Tran-Nguyen,Kitazume, M.,Bich T. Luong,Tuyet T. Bui","Laboratory investigation on An Giang soil mixed with dry cement",,"Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering",,"Vol. 26","No. 1",,2014,Sept. "Masaki Kitazume","Centrifuge Modelling of Improved Ground",,"Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SGSSEA",,"Vol. 45","No. 3","pp. 1-11",2014,Sept. "佐藤直哉,北詰昌樹,大林 淳,原田 健二,高橋章浩","地盤改良の幾何学形状が液状化地盤上の盛土の応答に与える影響",,"第49回地盤工学研究発表会講演集",,"Vol. 49",,"pp. 1365-1366",2014,July "大竹雄輔,竹山智英,北詰昌樹","浚渫埋立土の圧力を受ける盛土の変位挙動に関する遠心模型実験",,"第49回地盤工学研究発表会講演集",,,,"pp. 803-804",2014,July "津吉友裕,竹山智英,北詰昌樹","バーチカルドレーンの透水性低下が圧密遅れに及ぼす影響に関する室内模型実験",,"第49回地盤工学研究発表会講演集",,,,"pp. 775-776",2014,July "牧野真大,竹山智英,北詰昌樹","養生中に攪乱を受けたセメント改良土の材料特性に関する研究",,"第49回地盤工学研究発表会講演集",,,,"pp. 637-638",2014,July "Masaki Kitazume","Standardizations of execution and quality control of piling and deep mixing","The DFI-EFFC International Conference on Piling and Deep Foundations","Proc. of the DFI-EFFC International Conference on Piling and Deep Foundations",,,,,2014,May "Masaki Kitazume","Applicability of wet grab sampling to quality assurance of deep mixing method","The DFI-EFFC International Conference on Piling and Deep Foundations","Proc. of the DFI-EFFC International Conference on Piling and Deep Foundations",,,,,2014,May "Tomohide Takeyama,Yuki Yoshida,Masaki Kitazume","Simulation of brittle failure of cement treated soil using smoothed particle hydrodynamics",,"Proc. of the International Conference on Piling and Deep Foundations",,,,"pp. 787-806",2014,May "Masaki Kitazume","Applying Soil Cement Shallow Mixing to Construct Rural Roads in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam: Laboratory Study","The CIGOS-2013 CONFERENCE","Proc. of the CIGOS-2013 CONFERENCE",,,,,2014,Apr. "Masaki Kitazume,Tomohide Takeyama","Centrifuge model tests on failure pattern of cement treated ground",,"Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics",,,,"pp. 1113-1118",2014,Jan. "Masaki Kitazume","Centrifuge model tests on failure pattern of cement treated ground","The International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 2014","Proc. of the International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 2014","CRC Press","Vol. 2",,"pp. 1113-1118",2014,Jan. "Masaki Kitazume","Evaluation of ground behavior due to the deformation of drain materials under consolidation process using X-ray CT","The 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics","Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics",,,,,2014, "Yusuke Otake,Tomohide Takeyama,Masaki Kitazume","Centrifuge model tests on embankment on soft clay ground subjected to dredged soil pressure","9th International Symposium on Lowland Technology","Proc. of the 9th International Symposium on Lowland Technology",,,,"pp. 163-168",2014,