"Matsunaga, Y.,W. Kanda,S. Takakura,T. Koyama,T. Nishizawa","3-D resistivity structure model around Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano revealed by broadband magnetotellurics","AGU 2020 Fall meeting",,,,,,2020,Dec. "松永 康生,神田 径,高倉 伸一,小山 崇夫,西澤 達治","広帯域MT観測により推定される草津白根火山の地下比抵抗構造(1)","日本火山学会2020年度秋季大会",,,,,,2020,Oct. "Gresse, M.,T. Koyama,M. Uyeshima,Y. Morita,Y. Sasai,J. Zlotnicki,T. Ishido,H. Hase,W. Kanda,K. Aizawa,D. Weller,T. Rung-Arunwan,Y. Matsunaga,M. Hata,H. Ueda,Y. Yamaya","Global electrical conductivity model of Miyake-jima: insights into its hydrothermal and magmatic system","JpGU2020",,,,,,2020,July "松永 康生,神田 径,高倉 伸一,小山 崇夫,西澤 達治","広帯域MT観測により推定された草津白根火山の広域比抵抗構造(序報)","JpGU2020",,,,,,2020,July "Wataru Kanda,Kaori Seki,Yasuo Matsunaga","Resistivity structure of preparation zone for phreatic eruptions in several volcanoes in Japan",,,,,,,2020,Jan. "Matsunaga, Y.,W. Kanda,S. Takakura,T. Koyama,Z. Saito,K. Seki,A. Suzuki,T. Kishita,Y. Kinoshita,Y. Ogawa","Magmatic hydrothermal system inferred from the resistivity structure of Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano",,"Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research",,"Vol. 390",,,2020,Jan.