"Sugie, Atsushi,Hakeda, Satoko,Suzuki, Emiko,Tavosanis, Gaia,Takashi Suzuki","A Genetic approach to elucidate the central synapse plasticity",,"GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS","GENETICS SOC JAPAN","Vol. 88","No. 6","pp. 339-339",2013,Dec. "Satoko Hakeda,Takashi Suzuki","Golden goal controls dendrite elongation and branching of multidendritic arborization neurons in Drosophila",,"Genes to Cells",,,,,2013, "Irina Hein,Ilona C. Grunwald Kadow,Takashi Suzuki","Gogo Receptor Contributes to Retinotopic Map Formation and Prevents R1-6 Photoreceptor Axon Bundling",,"Plos One",,,,,2013, "Berger-M?ller, S.,Sugie, A.,Takahashi, F.,Tavosanis, G.,Hakeda-Suzuki, S.,Takashi Suzuki","Assessing the role of cell-surface molecules in central synaptogenesis in the Drosophila visual system",,"PLoS ONE",,"Vol. 8","No. 12",,2013, "Hein, I.,Takashi Suzuki,Grunwald Kadow, I.C.","Gogo Receptor Contributes to Retinotopic Map Formation and Prevents R1-6 Photoreceptor Axon Bundling",,"PLoS ONE",,"Vol. 8","No. 6",,2013, "Hakeda, S.,Takashi Suzuki","Golden goal controls dendrite elongation and branching of multidendritic arborization neurons in drosophila",,"Genes to Cells",,"Vol. 18","No. 11","pp. 960-973",2013,