"Suzuki, T.,Takashi Suzuki","Current topics on genetic researches using Drosophila as a model system",,"Genes and Genetic Systems",,"Vol. 89","No. 1","pp. 1",2014, "Hakeda-Suzuki, S.,Suzuki, T.,Takashi Suzuki","Cell surface control of the layer specific targetingin the Drosophila visual system",,"Genes and Genetic Systems",,"Vol. 89","No. 1","pp. 9-15",2014, "Takashi Suzuki","Current topics on genetic researches using Drosophila as a model system",,"Genes and Genetic Systems",,"Vol. 89","No. 1","pp. 1",2014, "Hakeda-Suzuki, S.,Takashi Suzuki","Cell surface control of the layer specific targetingin the Drosophila visual system",,"Genes and Genetic Systems",,"Vol. 89","No. 1","pp. 9-15",2014,