"Haruki Oshio,Keiichiro Yashima,Masashi Matsuoka","Generating DTM from DSM using a conditional GAN in built-up areas",,"IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters",,,,,2023,Nov. "荻田亜美,松岡昌志,修浩毅,篠原崇之,押尾晴樹","広域的なハザードマップ基礎情報のための深層学習による旧版地図からの集落・水域の自動抽出","第16回日本地震工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,Nov. "Kai Wu,Masashi Matsuoka,Haruki Oshio","Earthquake damage detection and level classification method based on convolutional neural network using onsite photographs of the Kumamoto earthquake","第16回日本地震工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,Nov. "Hiroyuki MIURA,Masashi MATSUOKA,Juan C. REYES,Nelson PULIDO,Mitsufumi HASHIMOTO,Andrea C. RIANO,Alvaro HURTADO,Raul RINCON,Helber GARCIA,Carlos LOZANO","Quick Estimation Model for Mapping Earthquake Impacts in Bogot?, Colombia",,"ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information",,"Vol. 12","No. 12",,2023,Nov. "Haoyi XIU,Xin LIU,Weimin WANG,Kyoung-Sook KIM,Takayuki SHINOHARA,Qiong CHANG,Masashi MATSUOKA","Diffusion Unit: Interpretable Edge Enhancement and Suppression Learning for 3D Point Cloud Segmentation",,"Neurocomputing",,"Vol. 559",,,2023,Nov. "張辰吉,松岡昌志,押尾晴樹","一般道路を対象にしたSAR強度画像による舗装損傷推定に関する基礎的研究","日本リモートセンシング学会第75回(令和5年度秋季)学術講演会",,,,,"pp. 161?162",2023,Nov. "Kai Wu,Masashi Matsuoka,Haruki Oshio","Damage level classification method for buildings based on convolutional neural network using onsite photographs of the Kumamoto earthquake","日本リモートセンシング学会第75回(令和5年度秋季)学術講演会",,,,,"pp. 89?92",2023,Nov. "押尾晴樹,松岡昌志","高空間分解能DSMからの沿岸域市街地のDTM生成におけるGANの有効性","日本リモートセンシング学会第75回(令和5年度秋季)学術講演会",,,,,"pp. 187?188",2023,Nov. "Haoyi XIU,Xin LIU,Weimin WANG,Kyoung-Sook KIM,Masashi MATSUOKA","Accurate and Robust Normal Estimation for 3D PointClouds by Multi-Scale Edge Conditioning","MM'23","Proc. the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia",,,,"pp. 2535-254",2023,Oct. "松岡昌志,大串文誉","Sentinel-1 衛星の時系列InSAR 解析による橋梁等の変位モニタリング","第43回土木学会地震工学研究発表会",,,,,,2023,Sept. "押尾晴樹,八嶋恵一朗,松岡昌志","条件付き敵対的生成ネットワークを用いたDSM からのDTM 自動生成","日本リモートセンシング学会第74回学術講演会","日本リモートセンシング学会第74回学術講演会論文集",,,,"pp. 103-104",2023,June "Miguel Luis Lagahit,Zongdian Li,Kei Sakaguchi,Masashi Matsuoka","Exploring Ground Segmentation From LiDAR Scanning-Derived Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks","Int. Archives Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Scieinces XLVIII-1/W1-2023","Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology (MMT 2023)",,,,"pp. 221-226",2023,May "Miguel Luis Lagahit,Masashi MATSUOKA","Modifying Focal Combo Loss: Investigating the Effects of the Log-Cosh Approach for Road Marking Extraction on Sparse Mobile LiDAR Scanning Point Cloud-Derived Imagery","International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2023 & UAV-g 2023","Proceedings of International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2023 & UAV-g 2023",,,,"pp. 102-105",2023,May "Miguel DIAZ,Carlos ZAVALA,Miguel ESTRADA,Masashi MATSUOKA","Characterization of the Structural Typologies of Buildings in the Lima Metropolitan Area",,"Journal of Disaster Research",,"Vol. 18","No. 4","pp. 329-337",2023,May "Carlos GONZALES,Roger Garay,Luis Moya,Fernando Lazares,Zenon AGUILAR,Diana Calderon,Miguel DIAZ,Masashi MATSUOKA,Carlos Zavala","Preliminary System for the Estimation of Peak Ground Acceleration Distribution in Metropolitan Lima and Callao. Application in Recent Seismic Events",,"Journal of Disaster Research",,"Vol. 18","No. 4","pp. 319-328",2023,May "Bruno ADRIANO,Hiroyuki MIURA,Wen LIU,Masashi MATSUOKA,Eduardo Portuguez,Miguel DIAZ,Miguel ESTRADA","Revising the 2007 Peru Earthquake Damage Monitoring Using Machine Learning Models and Satellite Imagery",,"Journal of Disaster Research",,"Vol. 18","No. 4",,2023,May "Hiroyuki MIURA,Carlos Gonzales,Miguel Diaz,Miguel Estrada,Fernand Lazares,Zenon Aguilar,Da Pan,Masashi MATSUOKA","Assessment of Site Amplification Factors in Southern Lima, Peru Based on Microtremor H/V Spectral Ratios and Deep Neural Network",,"Journal of Disaster Research",,"Vol. 18","No. 4","pp. 298-307",2023,May "Shinki CHO,Haoyi XIU,Masashi MATSUOKA","Backscattering Characteristics of SAR Images in Damaged Buildings due to the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake",,"Remote Sensing",,"Vol. 15","No. 8"," 2181",2023,Apr. "Haoyi XIU,Xin LIU,Weimin WANG,Kyoung-Sook KIM,Takayuki SHINOHARA,Qiong CHANG,Masashi MATSUOKA","Optimizing Local Feature Representations of 3D Point Clouds with Anisotropic Edge Modeling","International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM) 2023","Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM) 2023",,,,"pp. 269-281",2023,Mar. "Haoyi Xiu,Xin Liu,Kim Kyoung-Sook,Takayuki Shinohara,Qiong Chang,Masashi Matsuoka","DS-Net: A Dedicated Approach for Collapsed Building Detection from Post-Event Airborne Point Clouds",,"International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation",,"Vol. 116",," 103150",2023,Feb. "Miguel Luis Lagahit,Masashi Matsuoka","Focal Combo Loss for Improved Road Marking Extraction of Sparse Mobile LiDAR Scanning Point Cloud-Derived Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks",,"Remote Sensing",,"Vol. 15","No. 3"," 597",2023,Jan.