"Yusuke Nishida","Three-body force and beyond in low-dimensional ultracold atoms","6th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan",,,,,,2023,Nov. "Yusuke Nishida","Chiral effects in Weyl semimetals","KiPAS International Workshop “From particle physics to supernovae and early Universe”",,,,,,2023,Nov. "西田祐介","Three-body force and beyond in one-dimensional cold atoms","第8回クラスター階層領域研究会",,,,,,2023,Feb. "Yusuke Nishida","Chiral light amplifier with pumped Weyl semimetals",,"Physical Review Letters",," 130",," 096903",2023,Feb. "Tatsuya Amitani,Yusuke Nishida","Dynamical chiral magnetic current and instability in Weyl semimetals",,"Physical Review B",," 107",," 014302",2023,Jan. "Tatsuya Amitani,Yusuke Nishida","Torsion-induced chiral magnetic current in equilibrium",,"Annals of Physics",," 448",," 169181",2023,Jan.