"Yukio Ouchi","Nonlinear Vibrational Spectroscopic Studies on Buried Interfaces of Ionic Liquids","PacifiChem 2010, #166 Ionic Liquids for Analytical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry for Ionic Liquids",,,,,,2010,Dec. "Yukio Ouchi","Nonlinear Vibrational Spectroscopic Studies on Ionic Liquid/Molecular Liquid Interfaces","PacifiChem 2010, #21 RecentAdvances in Studies of Molecular Processes at Liquid Interfaces",,,,,,2010,Dec. "K. Akaike,A. Opitz,J. Wagner,W. Brutting,K. Kanai,Y. Ouchi,K.Seki","Unoccupied States in Copper phthalocyanine/Fullerene Blended Films Determined by Inverse Photoemission Spectroscopy",,"Organic Electronics",,"Vol. 11",,"p. 1853-1857",2010,Sept. "Y. Tanaka,K. Takahashi,T. Kuzumaki,Y. Yamamoto,K. Hotta,A. Harasawa,Y. Miyoshi,H. Yoshikawa,Y. Ouchi,N. Ueno,K. Seki,K. Awaga,K. Sakamoto","Intermolecular Band Dispersion in a Self-assembled Phthalocyanine Derivative Film: The Case of Tetrakis(thiadiazole)porhyrazine",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 82",,"p. 073408",2010,Aug. "Yukio Ouchi","Interface Structure of Neat Ionic Liquids on Pt Surface","International Workshop on Organic Electronics and Spintronics 2010",,,,,,2010,Mar. "Yukio Ouchi","Microscopic Structures of Ionic Liquid/Molecular Liquid Interfaces","239th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Physical Chemistry of Ionic Liquids",,,,,,2010,Mar. "K. Akaike,K. Kanai,Y. Ouchi,K. Seki","Impact of Ground-State Charge Transfer and Polarization Energy Change on Energy Band Offsets at Donor/Acceptor Interface in Organic Photovoltaics",,"Advanced Functional Materials",,"Vol. 20",,"p. 1-7",2010,Feb. "A. Fujimori,H. Hoshizawa,S. Kobayashi,N. Sato,K. Kanai,Y. Ouchi","Highly Ordered and Stable Layered "Polymer Nanosheets" Constructed with Amorphous Side Chains and ƒÎ-ƒÎ Stacking of Functional Groups in Ternary Comb Copolymers",,"J. Phys. Chem. B",,"Vol. 114",,"p. 2100-2110",2010,Jan. "Yukio Ouchi","Interface Structure of Neat Ionic Liquids on Metal Electrode Studied by in situ Sum-frequency Generation Spectroscopy","5th International Workshop on Electronic Structure and Processes at Molecular-Based Interfaces (ESPMI-V)",,,,,,2010,Jan. "W. Zhou,S. Inoue,T. Iwahashi,K. Kanai,K. Seki,T. Miyamae,D. Kim,Y. Katayama,Y. Ouchi","Double Layer Structure and Adsorption/desorption Hysteresis of Neat Ionic Liquid on Pt Electrode Surface ? an in-situ IR-visible Sum-frequency Generation Spectroscopic Study",,"Electrochemistry Communications",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 672-675",2010, "T. Iwahashi,Y. Sakai,K. Kanai,D. Kim,Y. Ouchi","Alkyl-chain Dividing Layer at an Alcohol/Ionic Liquid Buried Interface Studied by Sum-Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy",,"Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 12943-12946",2010,