"山元 啓史,村井源,ボル ホドシチェク","二十一代集シソーラスのための漸近的語彙対応システムの開発",,"じんもんこんシンポジウム2014, 人文科学とコンピュータシンポジウム論文集",,"Vol. 2014","No. 3","pp. 157-162",2014,Dec. "Hilofumi Yamamoto,Bor Hodoscek,Hajime Murai","Development of an Asymptotic Word Correspondence System between Classical Japanese Poems and their Modern Translations","JADH Conference 2014","JADH Conference 2014 ABSTRACT",,,,"p. 40",2014,Sept. "Bor Hodoscek,Makiro Tanaka,Hilofumi Yamamoto","A Visualization and Analysis System for Japanese Language Change: Quantifying Lexical Change and Variation using the Serial Comparison Model","JADH Conference 2014","JADH Conference 2014 ABSTRACTS",,,,"p. 3",2014,Sept. "Hilofumi Yamamoto,Bor Hodoscek","Thesaurus of classical Japanese poetic vocabulary for the Nijuichidaishu (ca. 905-1439)","14th International Conference of European Association for Japanese Studies","14th International Conference of European Association for Japanese Studies BOOK OF ABSTRACTS",,,,"p. 86",2014,Aug.