"小池 英樹,高橋 陽一,的場やすし","AquaTop Display: 浴室での情報閲覧を目的としたインタラクティブ・サーフェス・システム",,"日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌",,"Vol. 18","No. 4","pp. 517ー526",2013,Dec. "山口裕朗,小池英樹","LumoSpheres: 複数浮遊物体の実時間追跡にもとづく映像投影","第21回インタラクティブシステムとソフトウェアに関するワークショップ(WISS 2013)","第21回インタラクティブシステムとソフトウェアに関するワークショップ(WISS 2013)論文集",,,,,2013,Dec. "Yuta Suzuki,Hideki Koike","Simultaneous Visualization of Multiple Images for Near and Far Viewers Using Image Mosaic and Saliency Map","SIGGRAPH ASIA 2013","Proc of SIGGRAPH ASIA 2013","ACM",,,,2013,Nov. "Hideki Koike,Yoichi Takahashi,Yasushi Matoba","AquaTop Display: Interactive Water Surface for Viewing and Manipulating Information in a Bathroom","ACM Int'l Conf. on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS '13)","Proc. of ACM Int'l Conf. on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS '13)","ACM",,,"pp. 155ー164",2013,Oct. "Yasushi Matoba,Yoshiharu Ooide,Shingo Yamano,Shumpei Yamakawa,Taro Tokui,Hideki Koike","ChatFish:Projection on the Surface of Fish","15th Int'l Meeting and Conf. on Virtual Reality and Converging(Laval Virtual 2013) Technologies (Laval Virtual 2013)",,,,,,2013, "Hideki Koike,Yasushi Matoba,Yoichi Takahashi,Taro Tokui,Shin Phuong,Shingo Yamano","AquaTop Display","15th Int'l Meeting and Conf. on Virtual Reality and Converging Technologies (Laval Virtual 2013)",,,,,,2013, "Yasushi Matoba,Yoichi Takahashi,Taro Tokui,Shin Phuong,Shingo Yamano,Hideki Koike","AquaTop Display: A True "Immersive" Water Display System","ACM SIGGRAPH 2013 Emerging Technologies",,,,,,2013, "Kodai Horita,Hideki Sasaki,Hideki Koike,Kris M.Kitani","Experiencing the Ball ’s POV for Ballistic Sports","Proc. of the 4th Augmented Human Int'l Conf. (AH '13), ACM",,,,,"pp. 128-133",2013,