"Satoshi Shimizu,Mika Goto","Why do companies participate in climate change-related initiatives? Theoretical and empirical analyses of motivations for Japanese companies",,"Sustainable Development (Wiley)",," In Press",,,2023,Dec. "Hideaki Endo,Mika Goto","The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the management of private railway companies in Japan: Profitability and business model analyses",,"Transport Policy",," In Press",,,2023,Sept. "Mika Goto,Toshiyuki Sueyoshi","Sustainable development and convergence under energy sector transition in industrial nations: An application of DEA environmental assessment",,"Socio-Economic Planning Sciences",,"Vol. 87, Part A"," 101316",,2023,June "Reza Nadimi,Mika Goto,Koji Tokimatsu","The impact of diesel operation time constraint on total cost of diesel-based hybrid renewable power system simulation model",,"Renewable Energy Focus","Elsevier","Vol. 44",,"pp. 40-55",2023,Mar. "後藤美香","日本を含む7カ国のイノベーションを考慮した 生産性変化の分析",,"経済科学",,"Vol. 70","No. 4","pp. 93-102",2023,Mar. "Toshiyuki Sueyoshi,Mika Goto","Energy intensity, energy efficiency and economic growth among OECD nations from 2000 to 2019",,"Energies","MDPI","Vol. 16","No. 1927","pp. 1-29",2023,Feb.